Vaginal problems with letrozole

But I’ve had a stressful day and you made me chuckle @Seagulls . Thank you xx

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HI Joanne, I have been on Letzerole for the past 3 months and have had a terrible reaction concerning irritation, have tried moisturisers but that only eased it for a littlie while, my daughter suggested taking antihistomines for the itching and it worked a treat, now it is so much better. I also used antihimines after having radiotherapy first time round as i use to scratch where they zapped all the time, nurse advised me then and it also worked briliantly

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dear mouse
what a brilliant idea well worth trying


Thank you. I feel that all the help given on here is amazing, and any small idea can be very helpful. I have had a few side effects from these tablets but i think i am coping pretty well, time will tell

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I use 30g lidocaine cream during intimacy to stop it from hurting. I’m allergic to hyaluronic acid and the oncologist says no estrogen creams so I feel as if I’m out of options. It wasn’t recommended by a medical professional. I just read about it in a research paper.

It kind of works. Or at least, it works well enough to get the thing done. Though I find it numbs the area so I can’t really respond in the right way. I guess it’s half a solution to the problem.

Hope you find something that works.

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