Very curly hair!?

Hi I used the cold cap and managed to retain a good covering of hair, my hair is long and it went very thin on the ends, my last chemo was the end of feb,

since then I have had hair extensions, but my natural hair is coming through curly, i like it and hope it lasts!!

ann x

I was lucky not to have to have chemo, but having had curly hair all my life and having endured teenage years with no decent products and everyone elses sporting their gorgeous Purdy hairdos (that dates me, I know), I’m always on the look out for decent hair products for my problematic curly hair. There is a really good USA-based site with lots of advice etc. called Naturally Curly that I use occasionally. Hope it’s useful
Phili x

mine is at 6 months now, and has suddenly begun to feel much curlier - its about 2 inches at its longest. I love it - its hair!

Oh I had a ‘purdy’ when I was still (sigh) in my teens. I thought it looked fabulous but looking back oops it looked awful :slight_smile: and now this dates me.

My hair was dyed dark brown and very curly before my treatment…unfortunately it’s coming in like thick brillo pads…don’t care though, once it gets a little longer Im gonna start dying it again :slight_smile: xx

Belinda - it couldn’t have looked as awful as my attempt at it, nor my attempt at some cute Farrah Fawcett flicks either!

Ah yes I had Farrah flicks too! I had some (clairol?) curling tongs, lime green, you had to fill with water and then heat them up and wait for the steam.
I also went through a Dexy’s Midnight Runners phase when I’d just become a Mummy. Denim dungarees and very strong red shoulder length hair thanks to Body Shop henna packets. Later on I had the Sarah Ferguson velvet bows that were everywhere.
Those were the days. :slight_smile: x