Hello everyone,
My background is Grade 3 ER pos HER pos breast cancer diagnosed Sept 2004. I had a right mastectomy and full axillary clearance (one node affected).
I used to come on the BCC forum frequently after diagnosis and during treatment. Subsequently my focus has shifted from survival to the aftermath of the cancer and its treatments. My husband and I are desperate to have children and have looked into and tried various options. At the moment we are members of Surrogacy UK and are hoping that we will find find someone to help us.
However, at the same time I am trying to cope with my lymphoedema which is a huge emotional, practical and physical problem. I am delighted that there is now a dedicated lymphoedema forum and I have found all the posts interesting and helpful.
I have lymphoedema in my right arm, about 25 to 30% I think. I have had one course of bandaging and 2 courses of MLD but nothing seems to make much difference. Last year I had 3 episodes of cellulitis and then started daily prevention with penicillin. I seemed to be doing well until a few days ago when I got new truncal swelling and then yesterday redness of the skin and fever so I am back on high dose antibiotics again and am feeling very demoralised.
Bahons, I am very interested in your report of laser treatment in Adelaide. By complete coincidence I have a sister in law there who has already sent me articles by your Prof Piller there. It would be very expensive for me but it is a possibility that I could go to Adelaide for say 3 weeks treatment and stay with my sister in law. I would be very interested in whether you think that would be worthwhile. I have searched on line in the UK and can’t find anywhere that offers laser but maybe you know different?
Vertangie, I so agree with you about wanting to carry on with normal life. I can’t bear to do the simple self massage my lymphoedema specialist taught me. It was so emotionally painful to have my top half which I now hate undressed and then sit there for ages doing a stupid massage which didn’t seem to make any difference. I also hate doing my exercises and haven’t done them for ages. I have loads of compression sleeves none of which seem to be right and I only wear them for exercise. I enjoy mountain biking, running and walking - and I think they do me a lot of good, but it is enough of a struggle to motivate myself to do them without doing those horrible exercises at home as well.
Sorry for the long post and all the moaning. Thanks for your support.