Very itchy breast driving me crazy

I had a right breast lumpectomy about 5 weeks ago & am due to have radiotherapy at some point soon. My right breast often itches like crazy & nothing seems to help. I’ve tried blowing it & putting a cold flannel on it & touching it & gently scratching it. Part of is numb. It seems to be mostly around the areola (I had a round block mammoplasty). I don’t know what to do. It also happens when I’m out which is even worse. It’s excruciatingly itchy right now. Thanks for any advice.

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Are you using any kind of moisturiser on it? I started using E45 lotion at first and that helped. I later developed an area of eczema and used the thicker E45 cream and that has helped.

I also tried different bras to stop the movement irritating it further.

The surgeon said that the itching is all part of the process, as it shows the skin in knitting together. Still annoying though.

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I think the itching happens when your nerves are healing ,it took about a year for all the weird sensations to settle down after my op . Maybe ring your BC to check it’s not something that needs any action ? Could you try some antihistamine tablets to settle the itching if they are not contradicted for you ?

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Hi Have you tried E45 Anti- itch cream which can be applied to your nipple. i’m finding this helps with many itches i’m incurring
as a result of too high abemaciclib dose, apart from insect bites,
which i’m prescribed fucibet, fusidic cream by my GP.
My sisiter used to apply Aloe Vera Gel, but i found that too sticky.
Take care and good luck xx Moonsox

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Hi, I had the same problem and it became worse after radiotherapy. I tried lots of different creams but the only one that worked was Euracin Aquaphor spray its amazing. I now use the body wash too. Can also recommend their 100 SPF suncream.

Hope this helps x

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I can relate. I drove me potty. Plus if I scratched at night it woke me up and I found I was bleeding from scratching in my sleep.
However, having tried all that’s been suggested I found ‘Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment’ brilliantly effective. Most supermarkets stock it as do Boots and quite often Home Bargins too.
Game changer for me.
Hope this helps! :blush:

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Thanks . It feels like it’s itching inside - not on the surface of the skin but I’ll try as you suggest

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I started taking antihistamine tablets a few days ago. So far they’re not making any difference but maybe that will change

Thank you

Thanks I’ve not come across that & didn’t know factor 100 was a thing! I’ll look into it

Thanks. I’ve scratched a bit but, as you say, that makes it sore

The Aquaphor will definitely help… My itching felt like it was inside… The spray is so cooling. The 100 SPF is brand new,
I finished my radiotherapy in June and thougjt I wouldnt be able to enjoy a holiday in the sun, but trust me it works 36 degrees in Tunisia with total sun block every 2 hours. Boots have Euracin on offer occasionally but its cheap though a company called Face The Future… Good luck x

@Ell thanks for the tip about where to buy Euracin cheaply.