very nervous 4 year check with issues

4 year check tomorrow and quite anxious, dx lobular cancer march 2012, mastectomy April  followed by auxillary clearance (only 1 node involved) chemo, rads and finally anastrozole, now I have been back and forwards the past 3 months to my GP with terrible back pain, and consistant bad headaches. I did the usual , opticians, new glasses, medication, relaxation nothing helped. GP did checks and said would refer me to neuarologist (7 weeks later still no appointment) Have had several blood tests at GPs request and repeats showing low liver and kidney function. last one yesterday. I do think the GP is dragging her feet waiting for my annual breast check before doing anything positive, meantime I have been suffering. 33 weeks ago I found a small lump on my good side , knowing my appointment is due decided to wait for that to check it out, now it feels like it is two small lumps side by side. needless to say I am scared,trying to convince myself that it is something and nothing but failing miserably. I lost my mother and sister to breast cancer at the same stage and age.Just looking for a bit of comfort and  support, I do really know that I am not alone but still…



I am so sorry you have all this worry, we all know how horrible it is and how our minds go off thinking the worst. I really hope that you get reassurance from your check-up tomorrow, please let us know how it goes.



Just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow. I am undergoing treatment for primary breast cancer and  my mum is being treated for secondary breast cancer so I can relate to your family situation. I hope your appointment tomorrow will bring you some answers and calm. X.

hi, thankyou both for your replies, it does help, oops, I noticed I put 33 weeks NO  it should be 3 weeks, wouldnt have left it so long. Hope all goes well for you both, Pam