June 20th I had a routine mammogram.
I was recalled 3rd July, and underwent a further mammogram/ultrasound and a biopsy, as a change had been found - calcifications/ chalky deposits. This could have been age related or could be signs of a pre-cancer.
10th July I was given results of biopsy,
I was told I had DCIS, a non invasive early form of breast cancer, if left untreated, could change, become invasive and could affect other parts of the body. Because of the size of area affected (45mm), I was informed by the breast Surgeon that my only option was a mastectomy. This would ensure the cancer did not become invasive. All in all a good prognosis once I got over the shock.
I have been offered immediate reconstruction, if I want it, a lot to digest in such a short time, but a lot to consider too.
So now, faced with lots of appts with Surgeons etc prior to the operation, which could be 2-6 weeks depending on if/which reconstruction option chosen.
10th July, I felt my world had fallen apart, but now I am more calm, and positive. Ready to deal with what comes next, although 1 day I am up and the next day I am down, very much an emotional rollercoaster.
I have a Pre-op assessment tomorrow but also waiting for a date for my lymph nodes to be checked, and a consultation with a Plastic Surgeon.
I am so very grateful to have attended regular mammograms, and for this to have been picked up at such an early stage.
There has been a lot to get my head around in such a short time, and now the waiting is agonising.
Welcome to the forum ?
It really is a roller coaster of emotions in the early days of diagnosis , as you describe you can go from thinking I’ve got this to feeling a quivering wreck in a matter of minutes, all perfectly normal!
Emotions will even out as you gain more knowledge, I think for most of us it’s after our ops when all pathology reports are back so we know with certainty what they have found and what is going to be done.
Mastectomies are common for DCIS as it does tend to be wide spread and a lumpectomy wouldn’t safely remove it all, it can seem drastic for such an early stage of cancer but it’s all about preventing things getting to the invasive stage.
Plenty of ladies here who have had a mastectomy for many reasons and there will always be someone around to answer any questions for you.
I had a lumpectomy in March15 for invasive cancer followed by radiotheraphy so can’t help on the surgery side of things I’m afraid but from an emotional side I can assure you it does get better and you will cope with things that at the minute you might not feel you can ?Xx Jo
Hi Superdi
Sorry to hear that you are joining the DCIS Club too. I was diagnosed with 50mm DCIS in May 2017 for which I underwent a mastectomy too. I wasn’t a good candidate for immediate reconstruction due to another minor health condition so I had a skin sparing mastectomy with a temporary implant inserted. I had reconstruction last November using an abdominal flap. The end result is fantastic.
The emotional ups and downs are very trying, the waiting too. As Jo says, normal life does continue eventually - I have just come back from holiday in Switzerland where I hiked about 70 miles across the tops of some of the smaller mountains. Eight months ago, I never would have thought that I could do that but moreover, I hardly thought about BC at all.
We have all been in your shoes one way or another so there will be plenty of support here if you need it.
Ezzie. ?
Hi Jo,
Thanks so much for the welcome. Having read some the threads on the forum, I am inspired and full of admiration for the lovely ladies on here. I already feel the support out there.
Thank you for your kind words xx Di
Hi Ezzie,
Thank you for offering your experience and words of support.
I have just attended my pre - op assesment.
Now waiting for date for sentinel node biopsy, suggestions are that it will be very soon.
I am paying heed to your words re the tummy flap, this is the option I am considering. Good to hear that you are pleased with your results.
Thankyou again
xx Di
Hi Di,
Almost same situation as me. Routine mammogram beginning of May (first actually after 50th birthday), called back for more (ultrasound and mammogram biopsies), DCIS found, 5cm (50mm). Only practical option is mastectomy which is being done on 16th August along with immmediate reconstruction LD flap (lattisimus dorsi - muscle from below the shoulder blade), with option of lipo-filling next year to bring it more to the same size as remaining breast - or reduction of remaining breast. I also had a lymph node removal (3 nodes) in mid June which fortunately were all clear.
It’s a big shock to get such diagnosis, esepcially as there don’t seem to be any symptoms of DCIS and no lumps to feel/find, but it’s good that it can be caught early and treated successfully. I hear nothing but good stories and see such positivity from other ladies.
I feel/have felt same as you wrote:
“I felt my world had fallen apart, but now I am more calm, and positive. Ready to deal with what comes next, although 1 day I am up and the next day I am down, very much an emotional rollercoaster.”
That’s where these forums are useful, let all emotions out, learn from others, support together, and take any comfort/help from family and friends.
A gentle word of advice. There’s a wealth of infomration out there but pleas stick to reputable sites such as this one and Macmillan.org. In fact on hrere are lots of brochures that can be ordered (for free) or downloaded to you PC on a range of topics inlcuding DCIS, reconstruction etc. They’ve been very useful to me and reading so many stories from other ladies. Please be careful not to use Google for info as a lot of results can be misleading or inaccurate.
Good luck, hope all goes well, keep me/us informed of progress/concerns/thoughts etc.
Hi i was diagnosed withHigh grade DCIS 8 years i had mastectomy with no reconstruction i have never looked back. I looked into reconstruction but decided it wasn’t for me. Walk, play squash, go to gym and sun bath in s bikini . Good luck with your recovery x
Hello Di, seems like you and I are in a similar place, I had a mammogram as part of a health assessment on June 21st (aged 47) and diagnosed with 5cm DCIS on 11th June. Booked in for mastectomy, reconstruction and symmetry on 3rd September. It’s all been very quick, but I’m quite grateful, I’m not patient at the best of times. Good luck with your op. Lisa xx
MrsLet, can i ask something??? I was wondering why it takes a time between daiognosis and surgery for a MX? Do you have to have chemo first before they operate?
I didn’t need a MX or chemo, but did have a lumpectomy, snb, rads-but its all be squeezed in to 4 and a half months.
Just interested in time scales for different treatments.
Thanks xx
Hi Susiex,
Thank you, I am very encouraged by your reply. I am so pleased I found the Forum, makes such a difference speaking to lovely ladies who have been in the same situation.
Di x
Hi Jane,
Thank you so much for your kind words of support and encouragement, I do not feel so alone anymore. You are right, alot of info out there that can be confusing or misleading, but there is so much on here, and my Breast Care Nurse is so helpful too.
Last week I attended a pre-op assessment, I also had a CT Angiogram of my abdomen, to check blood vessels etc, as my tummy will be used for the reconstruction, ie DIEP flap
This Thursday I will meet the Plastic Surgeon and next Wednesday I am booked in for Sentinel Node Biopsy , and fingers crossed for a good result.
I am being kept busy for sure.
It is still only 6 weeks since my routine mammogram, and 4 weeks since my diagnosis, although as so much has happened in that time, it seems like a lifetime.
I am as prepared as I can be for what is to come, hopeful it will not be too long now.
Good luck for your surgery Jo, will be thinking of you ?
Di xx
Hi Jane,
Thank you so much for your kind words of support and encouragement, I do not feel so alone anymore. You are right, alot of info out there that can be confusing or misleading, but there is so much on here, and my Breast Care Nurse is so helpful too.
Last week I attended a pre-op assessment, I also had a CT Angiogram of my abdomen, to check blood vessels etc, as my tummy will be used for the reconstruction, ie DIEP flap
This Thursday I will meet the Plastic Surgeon and next Wednesday I am booked in for Sentinel Node Biopsy , and fingers crossed for a good result.
I am being kept busy for sure.
It is still only 6 weeks since my routine mammogram, and 4 weeks since my diagnosis, although as so much has happened in that time, it seems like a lifetime.
I am as prepared as I can be for what is to come, hopeful it will not be too long now.
Good luck for your surgery Jane, will be thinking of you ?
Di xx
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your reply, I wish you all the best for your surgery and recovery ?.
Di xx
Sorry SuperDi, signed up but then kind of stayed away, back and finding the forum of comfort! Been a little up and down!! For me time was just one of those things. First slot consultant had was 20th August so a little over a month from formal diagnosis. However we were due to go on holiday end of August, so as not immediately life threatening consultant suggested waiting until we got back. It’s given me time to meet people and sort everything out, both personally and for work.
How are you?
Hi Lisa,
I have been busy too. I have had a CT Angiogram to my abdomen, last week I met with the Plastic Surgeon and yesterday I had a Sentinel Node biopsy, ?for the results.
Plastic Surgeon suggesting mid September for surgery.
Having met most of the team now Nurses, Surgeons Aneathetists etc I feel overwhelmed by the care and support I am receiving. They have put my mind at rest about so many things.
And the lovely ladies on this forum offer invaluable information too, so glad I joined.
I am hoping I can get away for a few days to relax a bit before the op.
Enjoy your holiday and keep in touch .
Di xx
This afternoon I was given the results of the Sentinel Node Biopsy. 2 Nodes had been removed and thankfully no cancer found. Relieved is an understatement. So now, I can relax over the next few weeks prior to surgery.
Admission 12th September, with smx/DIEP reconstruction the day after. I know the recovery will be tough but take each day as it comes and do as I am told is exactly what I shall do .