I know Cat posted regularly on here, but I just had a message from James her husband that I’m passing on.
When I left Cat last night she was tired but getting back to her old self. I got a call from the hospital this morning to say she wasn’t picking up as well as expected and Cat wanted me to (and I quote) “Get my lazy arse over there”. During the morning her liver stopped functioning and she became more and more tired.
Unfortunately she wasn’t able to hang on any longer and she died this afternoon just after 4pm. It was quick and pain free which is how she hoped it would be. I will let you all know any arrangements as and when they are made.
James and Nathaniel.
Cancer is such a shit, and has today taken another of my beautiful vibrant friends. You made me laugh & cry, and rant & rave, you made me love your art, and respect my own. The world is a sadder, quieter place without you, and my heart is emptier. Miss you, Cat
Really sorry to hear of this…being a newbie I haven’t followed any blogs but I am sure I will have seen Cat’s posts. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family…Rest in peace lovely lady x
Such sad news…Cat and I spoke often on facebook…I too am devestated by this news, another life taken far too soon.
Love and heartfelt condolences to James and Nathaniel…going to miss you Cat xxx
This is so sad, I have just been reading her blog, and looking at her wonderful photography what a very talented lady she was. Her little boy is an absolute angel. I admit to having a cry when I read it.
This is too, too sad. Can’t believe we were talking about cupcakes only a couple of weeks ago. We were diagnosed within a month of each other and had kept in touch both on here and via Facebook. I always admired her honesty and determination.
Just spent the last hour viewing Cat’s blog…
It was just so beautiful.
What a very talented photographer, lovely Mum and partner with such an exciting view on life…
Knowing what has happened to this lovely young family is beyond belief!
I cried my way through so many of her shots with such beautiful captions… I’m sure her lad will inherit so many of his Mum’s lovely qualities and become a great personality because he has his Dad to cushion this terrible loss.
With love and hope to her family and friends.