Hi all, was diagnosed by ultra sound on the 8th of october. The sonographer was in no doubt I have 2 tumours. I also have abnormal lymph glands, I get my results on Wednesday and am suffering from a real panic attack right now. Can anyone offer some encouragement that having abnormal lymph nodes doesn’t mean it has spread, have been quite successful s o far at keeping my head together but tonight is very dark,
Good wishes to all of u struggling tonight x
I’m waiting for biopsy results by the way
Hi Herb
Deep breaths 3 times breathe in and count to 3, then relax. Don’t panic, whatever your results are, it’s treatable and you will come out the other side and wonder why your mind took over your rational thinking, Look at all the wonderful women on this website who are all having similar fears and feelings - we will be strong together and learn from each other. Try not to worry yourself, keep your mind busy. I’m still going through my initial tests for treatment plan and I have calmed down a lot - doing normal day to day things helps and letting the experts do what they have to do in order to get rid of the ‘alien invaders’. I sense it’s important not to stress, as stressing is not good for you, your body will soon go into self preservation and survival mode and then you will start to become stronger. Gotta go now Herb, will be thinking of you on the 16th. Just packing my case for Centreparc and a much needed peaceful break, will email you at the weekend.
Daysie x
Hello there Herb
My lymph nodes came back as abnormal but the CT and bone scan came back as clear. It is very easy to convince ourselves that the cancer is “everywhere” but try not to think that way. I was diagnosed by ultrasound at the end of May this year. I am having chemo (4xEC & 4xTAX) prior to mx and axillary clearance before Christmas. If you want to know anything just ask and someone will be along who can answer your questions. It’s not all doom and gloom, there are quite a lot of us on this forum. We tend to pop into posts where we think we can help and we also post into topics that are specific to our conditions/treatments. There is also a topic known as the dark dark woods where we tend to get a bit silly and have virtual parties because whatever the cancer has taken from us, it cannot take our sense of humour. Good luck with everything and do let us know your results when you get them. We are here to support each other.
Debbie xx
Dear herbie…please please don’t worry too much. Any activity in your lymph nodes or vascular invasion does NOT mean it has spread.plenty of ladies here have had nodes removed and they have not had any spread. if you are struggling to sleep trot down to your gp,and demand some sleeping tabs, a good nights’ sleep will help. Listen to the good advice above my message, I found a healthy glass of wine in the evening helped me relax a bit as I was beside myself with worry whilst waiting results of tests. Please let us know how you get on. Hugs to all of you reading this.xxxx
Hi herbs,
Very worrying time the waiting room, it’s normal to feel scared, I think everyone feels the same and your mind works overtime! I had nodes removed, no cancer spread. All the very best to you, good luck and lots of hugs xx
PS I had two tumours too.
Hi Herbidacious
Hope you’re feeling better today
I had a grade 3 tumour with lymph node involvement. Because the breast drains into the nodes they class it as BC so finding it there doesn’t mean it’s spread. I know it’s hard and waiting for the results is by far the hardest part but try not to worry. Try to keep busy, but do take some time to pamper yourself and remember when the darkness falls all the lovely ladies on here are waiting to hold your torch and guide you through.
thanks to everyone who replied to me, was having such a bad day yesterday and it’s so good to know there are always people here to listen and understand. Had good day to day, out and about with my lovely daughter, so thanks again, good luck to all of you, 36 hours to go til my results appointment, will keep you all up to date x