I joined the community today to hopefully get some advise and reassurance.
I have been living with a very strange lump in my right breast for a few months now, (keeping and eye on my menstrual cycle with it), it doesn’t go, it is always there. Now what i mean by strange is that it is like an oblong shape directly above my brown on the nipple, it’s about an inch long and about 1cm high, the last couple of weeks it has started kind of burning, and in the last few days i have noticed that the right side of the same breast has become tender and sore (much like a pulled muscle).
I have breast implants (done 4 yrs ago - sub-pectoral, not sub-mammary) so it’s not that i am feeling.
My worry comes through about seeing a GP because when i was 11 i had a Thyroid disease and the GP told my mum it was all in her and my head, when i was finally diagnosed (i was seveare at that point) my treatment didn’t go to plan and it still doesn’t to this day. So i DO NOT have great faith in GP’s and very rarely visit.
I haven’t told anyone, I don’t want to as my own mum works with cancer patients at our local ENT clinic, so that is scary in itself.
Can anyone just describe what might be wrong with my breast, i am not a worrier at heart but i have to admit this has got to me.
Thanks in advance ladies. x