Hello. I had masectomy last June and had rads and now on Tamoxifen. I wondered whether anyone had had any symptoms with their noses before a diagnosis of secondaries, either bone or brain? A couple of months ago I was aware that my sinuses seemed blocked all the time and I couldn’t blow my nose. I was trying to clear my nose with a cotton bud and came across a lump. When I removed the cotton bud it was bloody. Doctor gave me industrial strength antibiotics which did nothing. Then gave me a steroid nasal spray - again no better. Now I have constant dried blood high up in my nose which I have to remove as I know it is there. Today I put my head over a bowl of hot water to clear my airway and the other nostril just began to drip blood into the bowl.
These are not severe bleeds, just seeping blood inside my nose. I have tenderness across the bridge and dizziness.
My doctor has referred me to ENT but not as an urgent case as he says it probably is the turbinates need shaving back.
Sorry to be long winded but I am so scared. Can breast cancer spread to this area. I did have vascular invasion, but lymph nodes were clear. Thank you.
I don’t know the answer to your question but why don’t you tell your doctor how worried you are and ask him to get you an early appointment, for your peace of mind?
It could be anything - polyps, for example - but the worrying is not good for you and the sooner your mind is put at rest, the better.
Just a thought, but if you keep agitating whatever it is, it will keep bleeding. Maybe it would be better to let it come out naturally and give it a chance to heal.
Good luck.
Ann x
Thank you Ann - I know I should leave it alone. How are you?
I’m not too bad, thanks Faith. I have a GP appointment tomorrow as I have bad neck pain. I think it is a combination of age, posture and low oestrogen being on Letrozole. When I made the appointment, I was so fed up with it but have been trying various aids, like a neck roll for my pillow and a lumbar support for my chair to make me sit properly. I am also taking cod liver oil and glucosamine sulphate - so tackling it on all fronts, really! It is a bit better but I shan’t cancel the appt, as I want to discuss the Aspirin Report with him, as well.
Have you any idea when your ENT appt will be. How are your symptoms, now? It must be very distressing, as nose bleeds are most unpleasant at the best of times.
Ann x
Hi Ann - how did you get on at the doctor’s? xx
We agreed that I would see how I go with my neck as I am trying so many things to help it myself - a neck roll for my pillow, a lumbar roll for my chair to improve my posture at the computer, a book of neck exercises, a microwaveable wheatbag for heat and I am taking Glucosamine Sulphate and Cod Liver Oil. Hopefully, something will work.
He said he is happy for me to try the aspirin and has prescribed a daily dose of 75mg, but I think I shall only take it every other day as the report showed that the best results came from taking it 2 to 5 days a week.
How are your nose bleeds? Any news on the appointment, yet?
Love Ann x