Honeypot, sorry to hear your going through it too. When did you see your dr? Good luck for thurs x
Jocro - we always put the kids first don’t we, thats my main fear x
Honeypot, sorry to hear your going through it too. When did you see your dr? Good luck for thurs x
Jocro - we always put the kids first don’t we, thats my main fear x
Hi scared01,
I found my lump last tuesday, went to Drs wednesday morning. They faxed through my referral and the clinic rang me thursday to make a date, both of which were within two weeks of my referral.
Hope you get a date soon xx
Somer, i guess i feel a bit better, at times, then completely panicky and like i’m in a different reality if you know what i mean at other times.
A friend suggested asking the dr to refer privately to get answers quicker, has anyone gone down that route? Would it even be quicker?
I meant to ask the dr when you get the results, do they give you them on the day or do you have to go back to the hospital or dr for them?
I’m sorry if i’m sounding selfish, just like to know whats likely to happen. Big hugs to everyone going through this x
Scared: I was recalled from a routine mammogram. Two weeks later, I had another mammogram, ultra sound scan and needle biopsy (all explained on this website!). Before I left, the radiographer gave me an appointment, which was just 8 days later, to see the consultant at my nearest hospital, for the results. That was a very long 8 days!! But I had to try to make myself remember that worrying wasn’t going to make it any better - or the time go any quicker!
Try to think the best and for goodness sake be careful with the googling! Not all of it is up to date or reliable. You can scare yourself half to death, and even if it is the dreaded cancer- it won’t be half as bad as your worst imaginings!! Macmillan Cancer Research and BCC are good websites to go for information.
As a good friend said to me: don’t waste time and energy worrying about what might not even be! Easy to say, I know, but sensible advice! Hopefully, you’ll be in the 90% for whom it’s a false alarm. If not, you’re among friends here!
Best of luck!
I have my Mammogram tomorrow at 10 am and I wish two things … 1 that I’d just be told tomorrow done dusted…2 That I was a couple/married, funny isn’t it!
xx Thinking of all the others walking in each others footsteps its a frightening and frustrating place to be xx feel very tearful …
I thought I was coping quite well being a single woman again - unti I found ‘that lump’ and now wish I had a partner too!
I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I am going to sign out of here for tonight as my brain is overloaded! I am working a long day tomorrow but will be back on in the evening.
Tons of luck, hugs, wishes etc etc
Thanx lovely for good wishes, chat soon, sleep well
Foxy Honeypot I so hope you both have good news my wife was DX In January with BC she is fantastic really just getting on with life working when she can and being her usual fantastic mother and wife I am a complete idiot my daughter who is 21 thankfully takes after her mum she is at university in her final year but has managed so well with everything I don’t think you would want a partner like me I get so worried about the slightest thing my wife in fact told me the other day that if I carried on being a wimp she wouldn’t tell me anything anymore. I met her at 18 I was 26 talk about love at first sight we were married within 12 months and have just had our 28th wedding anniversary honestly she is everything beautiful clever and just the nicest person in the world and like everybody on here who has been dx doesn’t deserve this disgusting illness.
Anyway as I say I do so hope you all have good news.
kevin you are just like my oh what wonderful hubbys me and your wife have got goodnight.
Foxy, i know you’ve gone to bed, but just to say good luck and big hugs for tomorrow. Let us know how you get on x
Hi scared
Seriously, I don’t think the private route would be for me, because I have spoken with people who did go privately and they still had to wait. Unfortunately, it is something that we have to go through.
You’re not sounding selfish. I found out on the day, that my mmg had picked up nothing, that a mass was picked up on ultra sound. That was on Thursday, I called the BCNfor my results on Tuesday, from the FNA biopsy, which was inconclusive, went back to clinic on Friday, had a biopsy on the following Monday and had my results, by the Thursday. If you have to go down your biopsy route, then you may be called if all is well and not have to go back, if all is well and benign, you may have to have another appointment depending on the condition. Every clinic is different.
Hugs to you, hope you get some sleep…
Got my appt through today, next tues, 7 more days. Feel a bit crap today, probably cos i didn’t sleep too well. Must remember the chant 9 out of 10
What a lovely post.
There should be more men like you!
have you got a brother/mate???!! LOL!!
I’m with you on that one, must be lovely to have a supportive partner :). Sooo yeah brother, friend, distant cousin? Just teasin’
made me smile though.
Foxy x
A daft question probably! I’ve also got a peasized lump, very definately moveable on my back near my shoulder bone, wld it be connected?
How are you feeling Foxy?
I am having wine tonight as no work until friday night
Youngest DD wanted to feel my lump tonight. Trying to be really open with them and they are being great. Youngest is a beauty therapist and has a room here where she is currently painting eldest daughters nails.
Glad they are so close
Don’t think anyone can advise you medically scared01 but would be worth mentioning it next week. However, sounds very ‘cyst like’ to me!
Like me, every little twinge etc is going to send you into overdrive!
So glad I found you lot!
Thanks honey, forgot it was there until just, and like you say keep imagining all sorts now. And you’re right this site and everyone on it is amazing x