Hi just came across this site as googling looking for answers. Found a large hard round lump to the right of my right nipple. Never noticed it before. You can’t see it but can feel it. I feel fine . My glands were swollen last week behind my ears and neck but have gone down now (they always do that after i’m run down so have never been ckncerned before). But now i’ve found this lumps i’m worried.
I though lumps were small pea shaped, but this is more 50 pence size.
Got an appt at drs tomorrow. I presume he won’t be able to tell me anything and i’ll be referred?
Can anyone advise on what cancer lumps look, feel like? What will happen at the drs? Shouldn’t i feel ill?
There are loads of different lumps in breasts, benign conditions, cysts, all sorts, all different sizes too, a lump that arrives very suddenly in such an obvious position as yours is more likely to be benign and a cyst, but it won´t stop you worrying of course and you need to get it checked out. You don´t feel ill with cancer, or with benign breast conditions unless its a painful mastitis! Your doctor will probably examine your breasts and may refer you for further investigation. Write down all your questions tonight and take the list with you. And remember over 80% of lumps are benign.
If your glands are up you could have an infected cyst, early mastitis etc…
Sascha has given you great advice! There are so many things that your lump could be and many, many of them may not be cancer, but we do seem to think CANCER when we find one! And 80% of the time, it is not.
You already know that you have been run down and your nodes are your body’s way of fighting off any nasties that are lurking, our bodies are clever little things with natural resources that we draw on when it needs some extra fight.
Your doctor, if he/she feels that you have something in your breast will refer you. All referrals in the UK, are on a two week pathway, so you should be referred pretty soon, don’t be alarmed at how quick you get an appointment, it is a national requirement for clinics to follow up on a GP referral.
A lump in your breast will not make you feel ill, at all, unless you have an infection, as with anywhere else in the body, breasts can contract infections. You may have something that is a benign condition, which there are many and if you have the worst outcome, then here is the right place to be, all the women here have experience in one way or another, of what you are going through right now…
When my GP examined my breasts she said ‘I THINK it is a cyst but in view of your past history’ (Mum had BC 24 years ago - still alive and kicking!) I will refer you’
I felt like saying - ‘You would be referring me even if I hadn’t got a family history’!!!
I am not sure if GPs have to refer EVERY lump/breast change to a breast clinic, but just in case your gp dithers about… insist on referral.
Thanks all for your advice. Not sure what questions i should be asking, any advice? Wish he would be able to tell me there and then. Is the referral for a mammogram or biopsy?
It all depends, I was referred to a one stop clinic, which performed the triple testing, all on one day, that was mmg, ultrasound, and fine needle biopsy.
However, in my initial letter from the clinic, it did state the four testing procedures, but that I may not need all four, all depended on the initial examination.
I would ask your GP about your referral, is it a one stop shop, or will you have a mammogram first, then a consultant? Different health authorities have different practices. Your GP will tell you.
Questions I asked where when it came to biopsy, for the examination, I just did as I was told.
Thanks, don’t expect to get much sleep tonight (or for the next month until results are known). Is it unusual to have lumps near nipple? I’m trying my best to be posituve, but the fact that its quite large, hard and immobile and painless makes me think its the worst
your doing the best thing and getting it checked. your doctor will examine you and ask a few questions probably, he may automatically refer you if you are over a certain age etc. i think they have a set criteria when they always refer even if they think it is nothing sinister.
hope you all goes well.
honeypot, thats so great to hear about your mum. can i ask what treatment she had back then.
Mum had a mastectomy with lymph node biopsies ( all clear)
It was such a long time ago, I can’t really remember much of that time, although I was with her when she was diagnosed.
It was quite different back then - we were the last ones to be called into to Dr at the end of a busy ‘general’ clinic. The registrar just said he was ‘Sorry but the biospy showed cancer’- arranged a date for her mastectomy and sent us off home.
She had no chemo, no radiotherapy and a year or so later had a reconstruction.
Thanks all for your advice and support. Not expecting to get much sleep tonight or for the next month until the results are in. Are lumps near nipples more unusual? I’m expecting the worst as its hard, not painful, immobile, and if course i’ve googled.
Please remenber that referral to a breast clinic MUST be within two weeks, and that the aim is to RULE OUT breast cancer not confirm something horrid. That said if you do get BC diagnosis your clinic will do the best they can, and this website will provide with lots of support as and when you need it.
Your GP will refer you to a breast clinic, and they will do all the necessary tests - mammo, ultrasound, biopsy - and it’s only after all that you will get a diagnosis. It won’t automatically be cancer, there are all sorts of breast conditions, and you will be in the best place to get whatever treatment you may need.
The awful thing about (any) cancer is that generally we feel well - it’s the treatment that makes us feel grim BUT IT DOES WORK!!!
Was in quite a state this morning, but saw doctor who says its moveable and slightly spongy. However has referred to hospital for ultrasound and biopsy if necessary. Two weeks of waiting now and thinking x
hi scared, your lump sounds like its in the same place as mine, mine is also very large. I can only explain it as a “mass” not a deffinate lump, just feels totally different than my other breast. It doesnt seem to move but i do feel tender around that area which i am hoping is a good sign. I go for the tests tomorrow evening. I think the waiting is most deffinately the worst part- i just want it over and done with now then at least i know where i am at!! Try to keep thinking positive, another lady on here foxy posted that she keeps saying over to herself “9 out of ten”. This really helped me. Will be thinking of you and please let us all know how u go on , hugs xxxx
Jocro, sorry to hear you’re going through the same too. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow. Let us know how you get on. Did your ‘mass’ appear quite sudden? X
Hi again, no unfortunately its been there a while and I stupidly dismissed it. Im not so good at going to the docs for myself- i have a disabled 4 year old who has tons of appointments so i tend to just “crack on” when it comes to myself :(. My aunt has BC and my mum has had scares but thankfully they have turned out to be cysts. I am hoping i am maybe just prone to cysts too. xxx
Hopefully you won’t have to wait the full two weeks for an appointment.
My clinic rang me the day after my drs appointment to offer me either this thursday (which I took) or the following monday. So both appointments were well within the two weeks.
Good luck to you and jocro and all of us in the ‘waiting room’