Hello, I’m 43 & have two kids aged 10 & 13. I found a lump two weeks ago today, saw GP the same day. This Monday I had mammograms followed by ultrasound & core biopsies taken from two areas & one lymph node which was slightly enlarged. The consultant has said already that it’s almost certainly cancer and about 4cm. I’ve got an appointment next Wednesday & the waiting is horrible!
On top of this I’ve had symptoms of dysautonomia for years (tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, fatigue, heat intolerance). January 2022 I had covid, then in April many of my underlying symptoms became worse, plus new ones of one sided numbness, insomnia and brain fog. I went to the GP worried I had multiple sclerosis, but blood tests revealed low ferritin & vitamin D. The numbness and brain fog got better, but fatigue has gotten progressively worse. I then concluded it was likely long covid. I’m also suffering from headaches (something I never really had frequently) and lots of bone pains.
I have a really sore area of rib which I noticed the same day as the breast lump. I’m now terrified that the symptoms which have been increasing in number & getting worse over the last 10/11 months are all really from underlying cancer which has spread to my bones and brain.
Apologies for the long post, but I’m really scared that my prognosis isn’t going to be good.