I’m 24 and i’m really worried but i’ll start from last year.
In september (i think it was) last year my nipples started to go white, only when hard. I had no pain with them. I thought it was odd but it wasn’t really a big concern so i left them.
But a few months later i felt like when i put my arm down by my side that there was something in my armpit. That came and went (i am a big worrier so i don’t know if i brings things on sometimes - if that makes sense) I felt and felt under my armpit and couldn’t feel anything until one night when i was laying in bed and with my arm above my head, i felt a lump.
I went to the doctors in april this year and he felt around my nipple and in my armpit, my side and my breast. He said he thought my nipples might be an irritation or down to my weight (am overweight) he didn’t seem concerned about the lump.
I have ever since i started my period been irregular and had loads of problems to do with that and they think thats to do with my weight, also.
I was ok for a few months couldn’t feel like there was anything in my armpit and then that started again for a bit and then it changed to when i was laying on that side in bed, i felt like i was laying on something.
Last few weeks i’ve been getting more symptoms like:
* when my left nipple (same side as armpit) is soft it looks like my breast points (does that make sense)
* both nipples have both now gone soft and not as hard anymore.
* left nipple has started to point inwards a bit.
* last few days i have like a tickle feeling in my left breast.
I’ve not had much pain but. sometimes have a stabbing pain but few and far between.
The lump in my armpit hasn’t got any bigger and i can feel any lumps in my breasts really.
I really can’t see how this can’t be cancer and i’ve already convinced myself that it is. Am i’m scared that its been left too long.
I’m going to the doctors this week.
Its not a good time if it is because my gran has breast cancer and we found out last week that its spread and theres nothing they can do for her
Just wanted to send you a big hug. You are doing exactly the right thing in going back to the doctors, you need to get this checked out. It is natural to be convinced it is cancer, but it might be a benign condition as well, until you find out you won’t be able to stop worrying. If you are not happy with the doctor’s response you can always ask for a second opinion. If there is a lump or thickening there you are entitled to an urgent referral to the breast clinic with an appointment within 2 weeks.
Please do come back and let us know how you got on, you will find limitless support on this site.
Hi Laurie
just wanted to send a message, to let you know people are thinking about you. Veggiebean said exactly what I would have said - get it checked out and in the meantime there is support on here as well as your own network at home.
Sorry to hear about your gran, it must make the worry worse, on all sorts of levels. You need to pursue this to get it sorted, and be kind to yourself.
take care, love Monica x
thinking of you. You must insist on a referral. It’s hard not to worry, but you need to find out either way. As was said before, there are many benign conditions, but until you know for certain it will prey on your mind.
Really hope you don’t need to join us on here, but if you do, I can honestly say it has been invaluable to me in getting through this.
Hi Laurie, Is it just your GP you have seen or is it a specialist doctor? If it is your Gp you need to go back to him and tell him you would like to be referrred to a Breast specialist probably at your local hospital or at a clinic for women. Whatever you do you need to get this checked out. They can do lots of different tests like ultrasound ( same as pregnant ladies have, and totally painless). It may be nothing to do with Breast Cancer. It could be hormones or an infection. But you must seek professional help. I know you are really worried but you have addressed the issue and now you must take the next step. Sorry to hear about your gran. But you are young and the sooner you get this problem looked at the better. I really hope it all works out fine for you. Keep in touch with us. We will help you through this. Love and hugs, Val ( Scottishlass) X
you dont know how it cant be b cancer? becuase your young, because u’ve have probs with both breasts, because the lump comes and goes? and because u’v had pain? you may have fibrocystic breast changes which is benign and basically can make your breasts lumpy and can develop lumps, they can come and go fluctuating with hormones and periods.
however yes ask the doc to refer you to the breast clinic so u can get a biopsy and ultrasound done and put ur mind at ease.
veggiebean - Thank you so much for the hug and for your reply.
daisyleaf - Thank you Monica.
It is more of a worry with my gran but i’m more worried about my mum and family. Its hard enough at the moment but if i do have cancer then its going to be to tough to tell them.
HurdyGurdy - Hiya Al, thank you so much.
scottishlass - I’ve just seen a GP. Everytime i’ve been to the doctors i see a different doctor, don’t think i’ve ever seen my own GP. Thank you so much Val.
lizzy100 - I have already in my mind convinced myself that it is cancer that i can’t see how it couldn’t be. Maybe thats silly of me. But i’d rather think the worse then i’m prepared.
The lump in my armpit has stayed, it just hasn’t got any bigger. I’ve had pain on and off but very far between and only in one breast.
Thank you for your reply
I will ask about been referred if he doesn’t think so. I just feel like i want to get to the doctors now and find out whats happening.
I’ll come back on and let you know how it goes. Take care xxxxx
When I found a lump and rang the doctor’s surgery, I mentioned it to the receptionist and she gave me an appointment the same day. They keep some for emergencies. The doctor immediately referred to the breast clinic and I had an appointment 2 weeks later - their target is 2 weeks.
I know this may be irrelevant but my brother had a lump in his armpit and was worried like you but it turned out to be a sebaceous cyst.