View from the OH 2

Just another load of waffle and update from the OH.

Karen finished her Epi a couple of weeks ago, and while the tiredness really hit her for the last couple, they seemed to improve her anti sickness by the 3rd so that wasn’t so much of an issue, although the metallic taste really did kick in and seems to be there permanently now.

Karen is on Arm 2 of the TACT2 trial and the Epi was accelerated to every 2 weeks instead of the normal 3. The CMF starts tomorrow, and of course K is nervous about going into the unknown again!!! Also, she really doesn’t like the needle in the arm which gets her upset worrying about it.

Hopefully the CMF will be a bit easier on her than the Epi, although I think she has been a star.
We have booked to go up to Liverpool just before 2nd regime of CMF, to see my Mum and Dad, and Karen is really looking forward to it !!! (they never mentioned that bit in the list of side effects!!).

While there have been really bad days, “I don’t want to do it anymore”, we have been able to laugh through a lot of it. And there have been some really funny moments (see “Well I thought it was funny” on chit chat fun).

On the up side ( I don’t use the word positive anymore having read “What not to say”) she does blend in with the people I drink with in the pub when she comes out, most of them are bald and she is setting up a scarf ordering service for them.

A few other observations:

  1. She no longer eats take away food – unless I get one when she will just try a bit (What’s new!)
  2. Karen can’t really concentrate on anything on telly unless its “Homes Under the Hammer”, “Relocation Relocation, Relocation”, and the best is “Lets Pack Up and Move Abroad for Three Weeks Then Come Back Again” or whatever it’s called.
  3. Boiled egg and soldiers is now the best thing since sliced bread ( in days gone by I used to accuse her of not being able to boil an egg when having a go at her cooking so I think she is just doing it to prove me wrong)
  4. Exercises given to her after the mastectomy, are still being done, but now she waits until there is some sport on telly, like the golf this weekend, to do them on the rug in the living room!! Like I don’t give her enough attention.

Good luck all!!!

Hello, Scally :slight_smile:

Apologies, but I don’t think I’ve come across you or Karen before. I may have done but my memory’s got a mind of its own these days.

Well, it sounds as though Karen’s going through the mill at the mo, and yours and her sense of humour will see you through the rougher patches. You sound really nice and it seems to me she’s made a sound choice of partner, as I’m sure you have too.

Best of luck, and enjoy your forthcoming visit to THE POOL - YEAH!!!

Good luck to us all.