
I have been to see the oncologist and will be having 6 x 3 over 18 weeks and will be started after my holiday so in September. It’s a gentler chemo and there is less chance of complete hairless. The prof says I will probably loose some. I am also having 18 x herceptin. I have been given tamoxifen today which i have to take until the chemo and then start again afterwards. Then after chemo it will be rads! I will be having it all done at Sutton Marsden. I am feeling ok about it all and hope I remain that way!

Thanks again for all your support!

Love SGL x x

Glad you’re feeling a bit better and are getting your head round it. X

Thanks sandy x x

Is anyone else having this?


Yes SG - have just finished first cycle and starting on the second one. I had the first as IV to get it started quickly but am now going onto tablets although Onc says IV is very slightly more effective - but my veins are celebrating at thought of not having IV after ravages of FEC and TAX!!

I had to have the IV very very slowly by gravity and not with pump - it is a very toxic chemo and although first dose was fine second dose gave me awful pains in vein but that has gone over now.

Am hoping to keep my hair - so far ok. No nausea either so easier than some other chemos - but feel very tired both physically and emotionally (could cry about anything - and that’s not “me”).

Do keep in touch and let me know how you get on. Anyone else on vinorelbine?



Glad to hear that you are happy with the treatment plan in place for you, and that you will get your holiday

Take care


Thanks for that Frances, it will be good to compare notes.

Hi andie, thank you and sorry again that we had to cancel our meet today. Julie and I have sorted on friday 5th May for an evening meet, would be good if you could make it.



glad you saw the Prof (he is lovely isnt he). I had vinorelbine back in 2003. As Fran says it is very toxic but they will take good care at the Marsden. Make sure the day of your chemo you take in plenty of fluid beforehand. They will give you a small heated pad to wrap around the arm they put the canula in. At least they used to do that. Have they said if they will be giving it IV, or in the pill form? When I had it, it was only as IV. I didnt lose any hair, or have it thin - so that will be good for you not to have to worry about that. Who knows I might bump into you around the Marsden. My usual ‘day’ though is a Tuesday.


Hi Dawn I’m treated at Marsden on wed yep still give u heat pad and yes they are lovely up there from prof to onc and nurses just thought I’d let u know tc Laura

Starting with tablets today - have supply in the fridge as they have to be kept there ( I have just four 30mg to take) - and ready with anti-nausea tablet that I’ve been told to take beforehand. Fingers crossed… On day 7 I have to have a blood test (can do this at GPs) to then be given the go ahead to take tablets on day 8 - then nothing again until day 22. So no a bad routine and have been told by Onc thast 6 cycles in “normal”. Hope things go well for you SGL,


I am on my 7th cycle of oral vinorelbine. I go to the chemo unit on day one, have my IV herceptin and they give me 3 X 100mg of vin and 2 X 8mg ondansetron for anti-sickness. At home I take 1 X ondansetron and then 100mg vin one hour later - as Fran says, the rest goes in the fridge. I usually don’t even bother with the second ondansetron as I have never experienced nausea. I have a blood test on days 7, 14 and 21 and then take the vin the following day, going back to the chemo unit on day 22 to start it all again. I can honestly say that I don’t know I’m taking it! No nausea or sickness, no hair loss, no tiredness, no constipation, no diarrhoea, no insomnia, no sore mouth, no sore hands or feet, my bloods are better now than before I was on chemo (just thinking of all the questions they ask me on my phone appointment with chemo unit to get the results of the blood test and to get the go-ahead). I walk my dogs for and hour a day and swim/gym four times a week, so no lack of energy.

So in terms of side-effects, I find it quite an easy regime. I know we all react differently to treatments but I hope you feel as well as I do. x

Really encouraged by your positive reaction to Vin, Louise, and interested that you are on 7th cycle as Onc did say they might extend beyond 6 cycles if it seems appropriate.
Best wishes

Wow Louise, thank you so much for posting. I do hope I have it as easily as you do. I am so glad he opted for this than Taxol which was what he mentioned first, and my face literally hit the floor in horror. He really was a kind man who went out of his way to give me the best option possible.

I will be having mine IV, so hope I dont get the sore vein thing.

THanks everyone else for posting, it really helps.

SGL xx