Visible lump and dense bulge

Wondering if anyone has any experience. I found a painless thick, dense oval area I my right breast, upper outer quadrant. When I lift my arm and look in the mirror, I can see it. I had a breast ultrasound about a year and a half ago because I had an indent on the bottom of that same breast. Also when i lifted my arm. They didn’t give me an exact answer to why, but said the ultrasound was clear. Now I’m worried something was missed in the ultrasound and I’ve had cancer growing slowly for a year and a half. I do have fibrocystic breasts. I’m hopeful that maybe fibroids can cause these symptoms. Does anyone else have a similar experience? I have an ultrasound and mammogram in 2-3 weeks and I’m panicking. I’m a mom of a 4 year old and I look at him and just worry and want to cry.

Hello @PanicProfessional  

I’m sorry to hear that you have these worries and concerns and clearly you want to know as soon as possible what is causing this and whether it is cancer or not. 
Unfortunately the only people who can answer this for you is the doctors who see you but your worry and anxiety whilst waiting for the appointment are very relatable and understandable 

The only advice I can really offer is stay away from Dr Google: this really is not helpful and try (easy to say I know) to distract yourself. Please remember fears are not facts and until you are told by the experts that there is a problem there is nothing you can do to change this. 

Hang on in there and fingers crossed for your appointment 

AM xxx