What is the info on vitamin E & recurrences? Also if you take tamoxifen does that reduce it’s effectiveness?
Went to the specialist menapause clinic ,they said I can take sage,& turmeric,& this product called femal ( contains vit e)
I queried it, they said they have done research it’s fine, but vitamin E can cause a recurrence.I shouldn’t Google they get their information from the best places,but they will double check.
3 months later it’s a big No for sage & tumeric , apparently now vitamin e is fine to take.
I feel completely let down & not sure what to trust.
Actually I’ve been told that Vitamin E should be avoided . As far as I know Turmeric is ok but I’m not sure about sage. Yes it’s something of a minefield with herbs and supplements after BC for sure.
Well I’m fed up, there’s nothing I can take then.
The cancer pharmacist said no to tumeric & sage,
I can’t function on antidepressants, can’t do acupuncture,can’t take herbs by the looks of it.
How is one supposed to deal with menapause which is worse then a normal menapause when you can’t take any thing for it .?
I’m having monthly ovarian suppression too.
I already eat organic, already excersise, still I suffer, dried out body,dried out nasal passages , waking up too early, concentration issue.
Can’t work.
It makes one want to stop all meds altogether & just go down the natural route.
I was told no turmeric or sage or antioxidants. I take tart cherry juice for the joints. You can safely use vaginal estrogen (new study). I am two years into Zoladex and exemestane and the menopause stuff got a lot easier at abojt 12 months so I hope it does for you too….its better than the alternative and you’ll need to think really carefully about stopping meds but it’s a personal choice
I’ve been on ovarian suppression for 2 years, it’s only getting worse,
Added into the mix sluggish bowels too after 2 years I’ve managed to watch 45 mins straight tho of a film! That’s an improvement, still can’t drive tho ,tart juice ?
What is that ??I get acid reflux so can’t really have any thing acidic,
I take my vitd & calcium, I don’t want to risk getting damaged bones, Im intolerant to dairy, if I didn’t have supplement il be in a wheelchair, that’s no life .
I’ve just re checked the Memorial Sloan Kettering page that the Nurses recommend - nothing f to say that you can’t have turmeric for BC though it does have a lot of interactions with other drugs including chemo drugs.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin plus magnesium a S Vitamin D which you’re already having has been if some help to me for joints . Plus 2 or 3 Yoga classes a week .
Sending you a big hug ! I hope they can find alternatives to alíviate the secondary effects. Best wishes!
Do they sell PreMeno Duo in the UK? We get there here in Belgium. It helps a lot with vaginal dryness.
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Hi Be
Thanks for your post.
It’s understandable that you’re not sure what to trust at the moment as the information on herbs and supplements can appear confusing. Many people ask about this as they want to do as much as possible to be healthy and improve side effects such as hot flushes and menopausal symptoms. There is often the belief that vitamins and herbs are safe as they are considered natural. In the case of vitamin E, there are are some small studies which suggest that it may interfere with tamoxifen and make it less effective. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have recommended that women undergoing treatment for breast cancer should not be offered Vitamin E.
There is much we don’t know about supplements and herbal remedies. Herbal treatments don’t have to comply with the same regulations or rigorous testing that conventional medicines do. For many products there is a lack of research to support their use.
We would always suggest you speak to your treatment team, GP, or a pharmacist before taking any supplements.
You can search this American website, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, for information about individual herbs and vitamins. Each has sections on existing evidence and what known interaction there is with other medications. You may find that that some herbs have different names in America. You can also search herbal products and supplements on the European website Complementary and Alternative Medicine for cancer and on the American website Medicine Plus.
Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK - prefix 18001).
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Breast Care Nurse
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