Volunteering for Headstrong

This time last year, I was having radiotherapy, after 6 months of chemo. I was bald and hated it. I was embarrassed, ashamed and I know it wasn’t my fault but I hated it so much. Now my hair is coming back through thick and fast and curly and healthy. I’ve had 2 scares since February, one for brain cancer and one just last week for cancer in my neck, but luckily both were clear. While sitting in clinic on Friday, I seen a poster for volunteers for Headstrong, the charity for hair loss from cancer, training will be given for wigs, how to tie scarves, etc. I never used this facility but I’m going to ring tomorrow to try and become a volunteer and give something back for all the amazing treatment I had from Southend Hospital. I did enjoy my wigs (at one point I did gave 8) and would love to make people feel able to face going out and being confident whilst going through this horrible time and if I can do that to just one person I will have achieved my aim. Thanks for reading, just wanted to make people aware that this us available so use it xx

Hi julielola, what a great idea. I’d never heard of Headstrong, but it sounds such a good idea to have people who know just what it’s like to help others going through it when they must be feeling so down - as you describe.


It sounds as though you’ve had a tough time with other suspected cancers - so pleased they turned out to be false alarms. Good luck with your training.

