waiting and worried

hi, im a newie, and just worried, last tuesday, i went to my breast clinic, after an urgent referral from my gp, i had a biopsy done first, then a mamogramme done, which she took the card straight to ultrasound section and clinic,the doctor called me in, and sahid they were almost certain that the results were clear but they were just checking up on something, and would let me know, as there were no results ready and they wud be in touch, i rang on friday last, and they just said that they were being very thorough, and it would be this week when i would here, i just wanted to talk abou t this

Hi, pansspam,
It is very frightening being a newie, i have recently been diagonosed with DCIS, had a sentinel lymph node biopsy done last tuesday am waiting for the results today, cant settle to anything, was trying to write christmas cards but really dont feel in the christmas mood. All I do know is that once you are under the doctor/hospital you are doing the right thing to stop this disease going any further. Good luck, fingers crossed for all of us. Bizzyizzy,x

Oh pansspam. The waiting is truly dreadful. We all feel for you. I do so hope the results are good. Please let us know.

Ann x

You too, Bizzyizzy. For some reason your reply wasn’t showing when I posted this the first time.

Hi Panspam and Bizzyizzywizzy

Ann is right - the wait is horrible and your brain does go into overdrive with scenario’s and thoughts. You will hear soon enough when the hospital has all the data and whatever your news good or bad, you will recieve a lot of support from posting here. Stay in touch regardless of outcome - Love & Hugs to you both Leigh x

thanks for the support, i dont feel as alone now, will keep in touch, love spampam

hi all its spampans, still waiting and worried, rang hospital again today, before the weekend, my concultant had taken a couple of days off, but is bac on monday, she wudnt tell me much on the phone, just that i had been discharged from this hospital, and my consultant is writing to me in the week, explaining everything, surely if it was all clear they wud have told me on the day, instead of keeping all my tests bac, hope u r all ok, dont really feel in the christmassy mood neither at the moment, i just have a bad feeling that this letter is telling me i have been referred further to another hospital, im so fed up with waiting , feel better now talking to you peps, speak soonxx

hi, spoke to the consultant secretary today, and they want me back in the breast clinic to discuss my biopsy, there is an appointment for me in the post tonite, things are starting to move now, still worrying though, trying to remain posotive, but my instincts are telling me otherthings, oh well, speak soon, bye for now allxx

As you say, things are starting to move and that helps. Good luck with the results.

Ann x

hi all, hope everyone is ok, and not too cold, i finally have my appointment through, feel better, but its not until 12th of january 2010, so i will have to try and forget it until after new year, and have a few baileys, ill keep checking on us all until then, bye for nowxxx