Waiting biopsy result but been told it's likely cancer

Hello I’m so confused. Attended clinic yesterday had mammogram, ultrasound & core biopsy. Wasn’t impressed with consultant who examined me and then without seeing mammogram flippantly tapped by breast and said “you will need treatment for that” I felt like I had done something wrong & then scared that it was all too late. Dr who carried out ultrasound & biopsy was lovely however. I have a benign cyst apparently & what was described as a 1.5 cm nodule that is very suspicious given the mammogram etc & my poor family history. The nice doctor said it is not big, nothing visible in lymph node & wouldn’t need full mastectomy. The unhelpful consultant didn’t even bother to see me again as I was told he would do I saw the clinic sister instead who told me it was very suspicious gave me an appointment for next Thursday telling me it is for biopsy result & treatment plan. Also gave me a number for BC nurse. I felt ok yesterday however today I feel absolutely terrible. I am due back at work tomorrow, what do I do? Do I go do I have some time off I’m so confused my job is very stressful but then I would feel terrible being off too. Everything just feels out of control. I’m confused too about the lymph nodes. If nothing was apparent there yesterday is it still possible it could be anywhere else still or not? Sorry for all the questions, would really appreciate any advise.

Hi Bernie 610.


I had a not very nice consultant at first he gave me a horrible senario terrified me  thank god two friends there to support me [as after the scan knew was cancer and i had a suspect first lymth node and he was telling me chemo, losing my hair the works.  Them  to add to it the nurse who was lovely phoned when i got home and said wanted to change op date to a week ;later. I lost it just started blubbing,my dear friend who was there took my phone and told them i lived on my own and she didnt thin k my mental state would cope with a later date, could she please  do something   The lovely nurse got me a different surgeon much nicer, and a week earlier operation.  Since then had reallty good treatment.  Had lumdectomy, other lymph nodes clear but removed, so no chemo on tamoxifen, with rads in April, and feeling fine.But this first surgeon was so cold and uncaring i felt dreadful but my faith has been restored since. Hope same happens for you,.  June

Oh thank you Julie for sharing that and I hope that you are doing well x