Waiting Biopsy Results


I am 37 years old and have 3 boys aged 6, 3 and 8 months. I’m currently breastfeeding my 8 month old. A few months ago I noticed an unusual swelling in my right breast and a little pinkness along with Peau d’orange. The first GP I saw wasn’t too concerned, diagnosed Mastitis and gave me antibiotics. They didn’t work so I had a referral to breast clinic and more antibiotics.
At the breast clinic I had an Uktrasound, was told it was an infection that would take weeks to clear up and sent on my way.
I gave it a few weeks but after no improvement I went back to the doctor who has re-referred me to breast clinic and I had an appointment Thursday last week. I was taken a lot more seriously this time and had ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy and then MRI on Friday. Now I’m going crazy waiting for results! I have an appointment on Wednesday afternoon and am struggling to see how I can cope until then. Any advise welcome. X



Hello and welcome, you will get so much help and support from the lovely ladies on here and we will get you through to Wednesday.  It is pants this time waiting for results, you find yourself thinking the worst because your anxiety levels are so high.  Easier said than done but I would imagine with 3 little ones you are very busy, try to distract yourself.


Keep in mind that there are a lot of benign breast conditions that it could and not necessarily cancer.


Let us know how you get on and remember we are here for you whenever you need us.


Sending you a hug


Helena xxx

Hi, I got the results last Wednesday and unfortunately I do have IBC. We do know it is in my nodes and they saw it in my Sternum and ribs too. I now have an MRI and CAT scan today and find out this Wednesday the results. Really, really hoping that it hasn’t spread any further. They mentioned that it is hormone positive? (Not fully clear on this?), which is apparently a good thing?
Thanks for replying, really scary times and any support is welcome. X x