Waiting for a plan...

My mum was diagnosed last Friday. They think it’s inflammatory breast cancer. This Friday we will be told what the treatment and prognosis is I think. We are all scared and it feels like a bomb has gone off in the middle of our lives. Does anyone else have this cancer…I made the mistake of looking on the web and it’s rare and aggressive and pretty scary looking. My mum is my north…So far I have given herturmeric and flaxseed as I have seen this has some positive effect on cancer. I’m hoping Friday gives us a way forward. She is such a doer and feeling confusedand seeing my dad upset is really hard for her. Please write help advice me…

Dear Nik

Welcome to the BCC Forum. You have come to the right place for support- I am sure other members will soon be along with some replies.

Do consider giving our helpline a call as well. They will be open at 9.00. They are open from 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Nik

I was diagnosed with Inflamatory Breast Cancer (IBC) last October. There are lots of sites on the Internet about it but most are out of date and shouldn’t be read! Stick to reputable site such as BCC or Macmillian to find information. Treatment for IBC has improved over the years and the prognosis is no worse for IBC as any other BC. I have now finished active treatment and told by my oncologist that he doesn’t need to see me until after my checkup with the surgeon which will be in march next year. The chemotherapy which i had before my op killed all the cancer in my breast, I had a mastectomy and the pathology report shows that there was no sign of the cancer left so he is happy to say that the original BC is gone. Once your mum has a plan, it will get easier to cope with what is happening. Post on here as much as you like and remember, no question is a silly question they are all a great bunch on here and offer support and advice when needed.

Good luck


Dear Weme,

Your reply meant so much to me. Today has been pretty tough. Mum is relying on me to ask all the right questions at the prognosis meeting as both she and Dad have found it difficult to read any information. I really don’t want to let them down so I have read all I can. Hearing from someone who has come out the other side of it means more than you’ll know. You’ve given me a boost. I’m 39 and my mum is 64 but I truly feel 5 again! I need to be strong for her. And I will be. Appointment is 9am tomorrow, and I just want to know the plan now…waiting a week knowing it’s aggressive has been so hard. I will let you know the outcome. Did you take part in any trials? Wishing you all the best and thanking you again…Nik x

Hi Nik

Good luck for tomorrow, I hope all goes well and you come away with a plan. It’s a lot to take in, go prepared with any questions you have written down. I didn’t take part in any trial although I did ask if there were any but there was nothing at my hospital. A week seems a long time but overall it shouldn’t make any huge difference. I had to wait a week for results too. The waiting is the worse, once you have a treatment plan it gives you something to aim for. There are other IBC ladies who have moved on but come on here from time to time, there was also another lady (3network3) going through treatment at the same time as me, although its rare, there are a few of us around.

I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, let me know how you get on.


PS. I meant to say, I am 45 and I am now back to work full time. X

Thank you Weme…I’m so pleased you are fit and well and I appreciate that you still find time to help others. I wilthwrite tonight with the results …Nik x

A hard day…confirmation on all accounts. IBC stage 3 HER2+ weakly hormone receptor. She see the oncology team on Monday, then the chemo starts Friday, which will be a strong cocktail. Mascetomy after about 5months. A tough road but at least there is a plan! She was worried they would say that she’s 64 and therefore too old…she was much more positive today and I think both mumband dad are getting more focused after the whole state of shock and confusion is lifting. I worry for the days to come but we’ll just have to tackle each part as it comes. Seems like a long time til Friday…i worry during thistime it continues to spread…I guess no one can know but the drugs will start to workpretty soon after Friday…thank again …Nik x

Hi Nik

Im sorry it has been confirmed but you now have a plan. You may find it helpful to look at one of the starting chemo threads where people share what they are going through and share their worries. I was diagnosed on 11th October and received my first chemo on 28th October so the delay in staring treatment for your mum isn’t too bad. Offer to help her when you can once she starts treatment, I’m sure she will appreciate it.

Good luck.


Thank you Weme…will do as suggested. Just hope the path is as smooth as it can be… X

Hi Weme,

Chemo starts today at 12…it’s a strong cocktail they have said she could feel pretty bad. Just hope she tolerates the treatment…it’s so hard to see her worried but it is also perfectly normal. At least we will soon know what to expect x x

Hi Nik

Good luck to your mum for her first chemo, the regime I had was TAC and it can be tough to take, I wonder if that is what your Mum is getting as well. My thoughts are with you both, I had my first chemo the same day as my Mums 75th birthday and went over to a family gathering afterwards, it hits more a few days later. check out and see if there is a starting chemo in June or even a starting chemo in July thread to share experiences with. Your Mum is really lucky to have you to support her, I’ll be thinking of you today.


Hi Nik
I am so sorry to hear about your mum - I hope that she is coping well with the chemo so far. I have just found this website as I wanted to speak to people who were going through the same thing.
We have no cancer in the family and two weeks ago, my mum went to the breast clinic as her breast was swollen - the doctor said it was an absess - however it turns out to be bc and she has Grade 3 aggressive. We are all still in shock although my mum is putting on a brave face. She is 67 and very active so I think the whole illness that goes along with the chemo is going to be very tough.
We go back tomorrow as they also found a shadow on her lung and breast bone and are not sure if this is related - obviuosly as you can imagine we are hoping it is not but will hear tomorrow. The lump is too large to remove the breast at the moment so chemo hopefully is going ahead for about 5-6 months first and then a masectomy.
I hope we can keep in touch since our mothers are going through this at the same time and (although I have very little awareness of bc) it sounds as though it is similar with chemo first?
Take care