Waiting for biopsy results and worrying.....


I am new here and am worrying. I had a mammogram 16 months ago which was clear. Then about a month ago I discovered a lump in my right breast. I saw my doctor a week ago who could feel the lump and referred me straight away to a breast clinic. I went to the clinic yesterday and had a mammogram and ultrasound. The ultrasound showed 2 lumps in my right breast. The lumps are 84mm and 67mm, although the radiologist said it may be 1 lump in a kind of 8 shape as they are right next to each other. There was no fluid in the lump/s and the radiologist said she thought it/they may be fibroadenoma but she did a biopsy anyway to check for cancerous cells. I have to go back tomorrow for the results and am so worried. I wanted to ask if anyone knows how common fibroademona are in women of my age (41 years old) as I had read they are mostly common in women much younger. Also can anyone tell me if cancerous lumps can look like fibroadeoma on the ultrasound? I know I just have to wait for the results but just cant help worrying and it would be good to hear from anyone else in a similar situation.


Hi Nix

I get my biopsy results tomorrow as well. I am ecpecting mine to be BC though. Dont read to much every lump is different. I know this is the worst time waiting. I was doing fine until last night and it started to hit me. Just take one day at a time. You’ve been quick getting your results. Not to much waiting . Good Luck let us know how you get on. The lovely people in the forum will help you all you can.