Waiting for biopsy results and would like some support please

Hi everyone
I am new here and would dearly like some support.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the tender age of 35 which resulted in 2 major operations to remove a huge tumour across my ovaries, womb, fallopian tubes, cervix and omentum. Fortunately the cancer was contained. My oncologist said that there is often a connection between breast and ovarian cancer.
I had very large breasts so 2 years after having ovarian cancer I had them reduced as no cancer would have been spotted due to their size. I have had a mammogram done every 2 years for the last 11 years (I’m now 46). With a family history of breast cancer (my Mum had it when she was 58 and my gran died of it) I have always been breast aware. I have had the BAC 1 & 2 gene test which was negative.
Tuesday last week I went for my routine mammogram having felt no lumps or bumps so I wasn’t worried. The radiographer said I might need to come back due to the scar tissue from the previous operations. I thought nothing of it other than no-one has ever said that to me before. Life went on as usual until on Wednesday 23<sup>rd</sup> January 2013 I got a letter asking me back for an ultrasound scan. The very same day I was on the couch being scanned and I could see several areas of shadow/dark mass which was irregular in shape. I ended up with the Consultant taking 4 biopsies in my right breast and one of my lymph gland which he said was very thickened which was not “normal”. I have also had a very painful left shoulder/arm which may not have anything to do with any of all this but I’ve never had anything like it before. I am also waiting for the results of an x-ray done on my shoulder too.
I am now waiting for the results and have an appointment on Wednesday 30<sup>th</sup> January 2013. I was not prepared at all for the news of me having ovarian cancer and it was a total shock as I was so young so I would like to try and prepare myself (if there is such a thing to do) so that I can deal with it. I am a single Mum to 3 gorgeous teenage kids. I am my eldest son’s full time carer due to him having unstable epilepsy, high functioning autism and poor short term memory. I am so worried about them especially my eldest coping with the possibilities of me being ill.
I would be grateful for any information on other people’s experiences. I am not close to my Mother so I don’t want to ask her and have no friends who have been thorough this.
My thoughts are with you all where ever you are in your journey ……
Big hugs
Jen xXx

Hi Jen

I’m sorry to read that you are having a pretty difficult and worrying time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Jen

The waiting is the worst part. Like you I had a recall from a routine mammogram and it was obvious from the ultrasound they had found something. I also had a biopsy of a lymph node as that was suspect too. I was diagnosed with grade 2 cancer but the lymph node came back clear. I had a lumpectomy in September and they also removed and tested 4 lymph nodes. Luckily the lymph nodes were clear and the operation a success but as the tumour was 2.5cm they offered me chemo as a precaution. I have just finished chemo and although not pleasant was doable and apart from feeling tired and low for a few days each cycle the side effects were manageable. I also have teenagers although not in need of special care and I still managed to run around after them! I am now about to start radiotherapy which I am told will add to the tiredness. I don’t have a lot of energy but I have worked all the way through although mainly from home.

I guess what I am trying to say is that if you need treatment, it is doable and possible to retain some normality. We are all different and react differently to treatment but with the support of everyone here we get through it.

I will be thinking about you on Wednesday and keeping my fingers crossed.

Jayne x

My thoughts are with you Jen but you sound and look a very strong positive woman who has had plenty already to deal with in her life. You will overcome this and be there for your kids. We will all be with you in spirit on Wed and beyond if you need us. As you have the weekend to face , stay busy. Get out in the beautiful snow and sunshine and have a snowball fight. You are still the same person capable of having fun so get out there girl and enjoy yourself. I am just off for a walk with my camera in hand as I love photography. I have just taken some out of the bedroom window of the roof tops and it makes a lovely image with a gorgeous blue sky. Sensing you love , hugs and positive vibes. Love Tracy xxx

Hi Jayne
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me and I wish you well with your radiotherapy. You have an amazing positive outlook which is fantastic and very inspiring

Bring on Wednesday… I will be ready!! hehe

Jen x

Hi Tracy
Thank you so much for your lovely reply. Sometimes we all need to just stop and take a life check and appreciate the wonderful things around us don’t we? Photography is a lovely way to catch these moments to reflect on and inject a little of the “feel good factor” into our lives.
Bring on Wednesday… I will be ready!!
Much love
Jen x

Hello Jen ,
That is so good that you are preparing yourself for Wed, but are you getting your teenagers involved as well ? I only have one daughter who is 20 but I know she liked me to keep her fully informed and became very protective after my diagnosis. She has always been very volatile and this made her feel worse really but we worked our way through it together. I know you will do the same with your children. We are all so different but at the end of the day we just want to be warm loving and honest parents so our kids grow into responsible adults.
Please let us know how you get on and in the meantime have a look at some of the funny threads on Bench land and the Dark dark woods they are so funny and make me smile every time I have a look through the posts. They are all crazy !!, but I guess that helps us cope with all this being thrown at us.
Keep smiling Jen , you have a lovely energy about you . love Tracy xxx

Hi Jen, sorry to hear your “story” so far. Iam also 46 and was diagnosed with BC in 2011. I just wanted to talk a bit about the mammogram and ultrasounds. My cancer was not picked up on the mammograms, they were completely clear. But it did show up on the ultrasound. Before you panic, the ultrasound shadows can be many things, not just cancer. Most women under the age of 50 have very dense breast tissue, this is why we are not routinely called for mammograms. I have just had my first annual check and again my mammograms were clear but after a meeting it was decided that I will need ultrasound alongside the mammograms for several years partly due to due my history and due to the fact that I have very dense breast tissue, with more milk producing tissue than fat. (I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not!). Now, I don’t have large breasts, 32Dbut the larger they are the harder it is to read the scans… And you say that you have some scar tissue as well. Well, 6 months after my lumpectomy I had to have another ultrasound resulting in yet another biopsy as my breast was rather lumpy. It turned out to be scar tissue from the lumpectomy but it needed a biopsy to diagnose this. So please don’t panic yet. The waiting is awful and Everyone here completely understands your feelings of anxiety but you will get through it. My daughter was 3 at the time and we lived a long way from family, being an Army family, my dad was in the final stages of Prostate cancer and we had a house move on the cards. With the support from this forum and the helpline who were absolutely fantastic we got through it. I wish you well.

Just wanted to wish you all the very best for Wed big hugs to you xx

We will be with you in spirit tomorrow Jen . I hope you are taking a friend with you to keep you company. These appointments are very often late and it is good to have someone to chat to. Fingers crossed for you Jen.
Let us know how you get on. Love Tracy xxx

My thoughts and prayers go out to you tomorrow.
Whatever the result I promise it’s never as bad as the waiting. Please do as Tracy suggests and look up the threads she mentions. We are all mad but then sometimes it helps!
M xx

Positive vibes on their way to you from me. I promise you the waiting is the worst, and that is almost over. xxx

Thanks everyone for your lovely encouraging words.
I got my results back yesterday and unfortunately I have invasive lobular breast cancer in at least 2 areas of my right breast. Am now waiting for an MRI scan appointment so my care an be planned. Having already been through numerous major operations in the past I would like a double mastectomy with reconstruction surgery immediately, however my MRI scan may throw up different ideas!
On a positive footing I am so lucky to have been offered mammograms which alerted the professionals. This may well have saved my life! I have been tenderly nurturing an expanded layer around my middle especailly for the surgery you understand hehe…AND I may be lucky enough to end up with a tummy tuck at the same time!! Result…new boobies and a flat tummy
I am also looking forward to chosing a selection of wigs and I will be able to be anyone I want to be. Some of my friends, who are hairdressers, are fighting over who is coming with me and can’t wait to get their scissors around it to personalise it for me…bless them.
Big hugs to all of you who are still waiting for your results…
Jen xxx

Hi Jen ,
I love your positive attitude and this of course will see you through the next few weeks and months as a programme of treatment is sorted out for you. You sound as though you have already made your mind up about a bilateral mx and to be honest I dont blame you as when we just lose one breast we become lopsided and uneven, even after a good reconstruction they are never the same. I think a good surgeon can make a much better job if he or she is dealing with both at the same time. A good idea I think !I love the comment that you have been cultivating a nice little tummy to help with the recon. I wish I could have a tummy tuck at the moment as the Tamoxifen has made me put a stone in weight on. Never mind it has been winter and we have been covered up , but as spring emerges and we move into summer I must lost weight. I must go on a diet. Yes Tracy , YOU !!
Anyway Jen let us know how the MRI goes and what they decide. Hop back on here if you need any support. I am pleased that you have some great friends who are all ready , willing and able to cut your hair. I think a deep red or burgundy wig would suit you , in fact you have the sort of smiley face who can really get away with anything. So keep smiling girl it really is the best option. Much Love Trace xxx

Hiya folks…
AAwww the MRI scan was horrible…never again!! Sadly I’ve been ping ponged between 2 hospitals…if only the Consultants talked to each other and knew what the other one did re: reconstructive surgery this wouldn’t have happened.
Now I’ve “lost” my place for surgery and now have to wait yet another month!! My son, who has learning disabilities, is having trouble coping with me having to wait again and will I be ok… What a nightmare!!
So now I’m having a double mastectomy with no reconstructive surgery for at least 12-18 months (if at all) as the Professor informed me I was highly likely to get breast cancer in my other breast. I might even get my scars tattooed?? MMmmm something to think about eh? Has anyone had this done? There seem’s to be lot’s of images on google of some lovely artwork!!
Has anyone had their eyebrows tattooed on? I’m also looking in to having this done too… I would love to hear from anyone who has…
Take care Big hugs
Jen xx

Hiya folks…
AAwww the MRI scan was horrible…never again!! Sadly I’ve been ping ponged between 2 hospitals…if only the Consultants talked to each other and knew what the other one did re: reconstructive surgery this wouldn’t have happened.
Now I’ve “lost” my place for surgery and now have to wait yet another month!! My son, who has learning disabilities, is having trouble coping with me having to wait again and will I be ok… What a nightmare!!
So now I’m having a double mastectomy with no reconstructive surgery for at least 12-18 months (if at all) as the Professor informed me I was highly likely to get breast cancer in my other breast. I might even get my scars tattooed?? MMmmm something to think about eh? Has anyone had this done? There seem’s to be lot’s of images on google of some lovely artwork!!
Has anyone had their eyebrows tattooed on? I’m also looking in to having this done too… I would love to hear from anyone who has…
Take care Big hugs
Jen xx

Oh dear Jen, What a nightmare for you. It must be hard to try and explain to your son this awful waiting game. I guess the main thing is to not let him see that you may be scared. Try and be the positive Mum you have always been. He will cope and get through it. Organise a day out together and do something you both enjoy . How old are your children ? love Tracy xxx

Hi Jen,
I am so sorry that you have this delay, but I welcome your company in the “Waiting Room” - I’ve read all the magazines at least twice! But rest assured, the consultants don’t need to be in different hospitals to avoid talking to each other!
I’ve never thought of having my eyebrows tattooed, but definately something to consider, mine, when whole, need all the help they can get.
I love your positivity, you’ve cheered me up on a particularly bad day. Hope the next month passes quickly for you. I saw some blossom out yesterday, hope that Spring is just down the road.
Best wishes,

Hi Jen,
I too am so inspired by your positive outlook. I’m currently waiting for my results having had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy on Wednesday. The doctor at my clinic told me they would normally write with results but in my case they would give me an appointment for next Friday to discuss treatment etc… Having spent the last two days googling everything I can think of I am totally confused by this statement and also somewhat panicky. The doctor also stated that as my lump is next to my bone she was somewhat wary when doing the biopsy so if they got a negative resut from that then I would be called in to have an ultrasound biopsy done as that would mean she had definitely missed the lump. As a normally healthy 43 year old I have had little experience of the medical profession so just took the information she provided as being normal and left. Now I don’t know what to think! I do know that as you and all the others who have commented said, suddenly a week seems a very long time.
I’m so sorry your results were bad but can tell you’re a very strong person and will not let this beat you. You’re an inspiration to me


Hi Nicky,
I’m 43 also, and am tickled by the fact that we are “young” to get BC! I would avoid google if at all possible, there is so much outdated and misinformation out there to scare you silly. In my limited experience, I don’t think there is any point in trying to second guess the consultants, our brains work far harder the fill the void than reality ever actually reveals! That said, in your case, I suspect they want you back for the results so that you are on site in case they need to rebiopsy.
A week is a horribly long time in the waiting room, but take advantage of your normally healthy disposition and keep busy, displacement activities stop the demons fear and anxiety moving in.
Fingers crossed for your results next week. Best wishes,