Waiting for biopsy Results !!

Hi everyone, 

ive come here for a little support while i wait my result.

I had my 2nd mammogram on 17th april, was called up 8 months early by lucky (or unlucky )fluke… and something was found in my right breast. A solid “mass” around a thumbnail size.

I had a diagnositic mammogram, and ultra sound then a biopsy on 24th , and now am awaiting results, they talked as if it is cancer… but didnt say it… maybe thats what they d to prepare you for bad news, but if its good, then happy days!!

Im going on holiday to alaska tommorow, and they are going to email me the result on thursday 4th may… 

im swinging between positive and terrified… my son had cancer 12 years ago and 17 years old, and is now well and has a family…  but having been through it so closley with him, it scares me even more  

So wanted to say, hello is all 

Hello @Bambam06  

I’m sorry that you find yourself here and it is very understandable that you are all over the place with the wait. 
I can very much relate to the experience of all the tests but being told there maybe some “breast disease” but the C word not being used until I returned for the results of my biopsy 

Personally I didn’t really know anyone who had been through a cancer diagnosis and treatment at the time of mine: I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing (although having said that I did know my husband’s grandmother up to her death at the age 96 and was aware that she had had breast cancer in her 50’s so I had some awareness that a long life after cancer was possible). 
I guess you probably already know that all our diagnoses are personal to each of us and using Dr Google to find out more is at best useless and at worst terrifying, I would urge you therefore not to Google during the wait. 
You should most definitely take your holiday: it sounds absolutely wonderful (although I suspect that emotionally it may not be what you hoped or anticipated) as what difference is cancelling it going to make to your results? 
Whilst only the doctors can confirm your diagnosis and treatment plan, what I can assure you of is that the breast cancer community is absolutely wonderful and there is loads and loads of support available both online and in real life and we are all here to support each other. 
AM xxx