Waiting for core biopsy?
Waiting for core biopsy? Hi All,
Would like to say first of all, that since I first went to the Gp about the breast lump I found in one breast, 2 weeks ago, this site and all of the advice/help you all give to each other has given me a great deal of comfort. So BIG thanks to everyone who takes time to come on here, no matter their own probs,to try and help anyone who needs it.
Now for my question lol. Today had my visit to the “one stop breast clinc” and so had an examination by a consultant,then FNAC with mammogram and lastly ultrasound. Feel so lucky to then be told he was “almost sure” I had a cluster of cysts with a central “hard area”. The FNAC showed “atypical” cells. Only downside is I am now waiting to hear on Monday if he is going to recommend a core biopsy. Was told I would have that wihin the next few “weeks”.
Just wondered if anyone else has experienced the same? Feel very lucky to have been able to have so much done on one visit, just wish it could have been resolved completely. Any info from anyone in similar position would be greatly appreciated.
Core biopsy. Hi Sue
I also had my assessment at a one-stop clinic although, unfortunately, it turned out I had breast cancer.
They suspected it from the mammogram, were pretty sure after the ultrasound (told me so) and basically confrimed it through the FNA. I had a core biopsy but was told the main purpose of that is just to find out more about the tumour (grade, etc.)
If all looks well following your triple assessment (especially the FNA) I would be pretty confident it is just, as they say, a collection of cysts. In very rare circumstances a core biopsy will pick something up that the previous tests failed to show.
Can you remember whether you had any fluid leakage following the FNA? That’s normally a pretty good indication that a lump is cystic. I was told that if my lump was a cyst I should expect to see fluid gush out of it as soon as the fine needle went in. Nothing came out of mine apart from the needle and some dark, very thick blood. Thank goodness they had warned me before then that it was probably cancer as that would have freaked me out!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Lola x
Hi Lola,
Thanks so much for your reply. There was no fluid leakage at all…just a little blood. I was so happy to be told it was a cluster of cysts that it wasnt until I was out of the room and talking it thro with my partner that I realised I had kinda “missed” the part where the consultant had said the utrasound had revealed a hard lump in the centre of the cysts. Its this area they are “considering” taking a core biopsy from since the cells taken showed atypical changes. Am sure its all “ok” and yes benign…but its just niggling at me.Probably just because I had thought I would have the all clear one at the one stop clinic.
Hows things with you? Sorry to hear you had such news following your appointment Makes me realsie again how lucky I was,
Take care of you
Push for a biospy.
Cancer cells can be hidden in cystic materail so I would say push for a biopsy. If there is the remotest chance of supsicious cells then having a biopsy should determine the outome for sure.
I was recalled after a mammogram and told I had 3 cysts and sent joyfully home. 7 months later I found out that one of the ‘cysts’ was an aggressive breast cancer. Such mistakes are unusual but because it happened to me I know they are not as rare as we like to think.
very best wishes…this must be an anxious time for you.
hi i too had fna at the clinic which didnt show up anycells id gone with a misshapen breast and pain, the doc wanted me to come back in 6 mnths but i knew things wernt right and begged them to recosider .anyway a month later i had core biopsy and was foud to have lobular cancer and had to have a mastectomy. if i hadnt had that i might not have had such a good outcome as 18 mnths later im still here. i wish you well for your continued recovery kep us updated on your progress we will all be thinking of you love lynn xx
Dear Sue,they should be doing a core biopsy I feel as a matter of course…push for that core biopsy,better to be absolutely 100% certain…best of luck L.xx