Waiting for my clinic date, petrified!

I noticed I had discharge coming out of my nipple, which made me worry so for the first time I checked my breasts, I then found a small lump. I. Made a appointment with my gp and was seen within a couple of days. He gave me an examination and said I needed to have a prolactin blood test. The results came back and nothing was unusual. He said I was free to go. And if anything changes go back. I was left feeling like he didn’t really care and I wasn’t taken seriously because of my age.
On wednesady I noticed that the lump was bigger in size and I had pain around the surrounding area. I rang my gp and couldn’t get an appointment until today. This time I saw a female doctor who made me feel much more relaxed and like I wasn’t just being paranoid. She said she was concerned that the lump had increased in size and that I’m regularly experiencing nipple discharge. She said she would refer me to the breast clinic for tests to see how serious it is.
I was worried before I went and now I’m petrified, her saying’ to say how serious it is’ didn’t help my nervs at all! It will be sometime next week I will know the date and then she said the appointment might not be for another week. Waiting 3 nights to see my gp today was bad enough, I’m only sleeping for a few hours each night and I don’t feel like eating or generally doing anything as finding it hard to concentrate. I know I Probably sound like I’m over reacting but I cannot help but worry about it being bc. Apologies for the life story, I just wanted to talk to people that understand what it’s like and can share any advice. Em

Dear Emmapie

Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will find a lot of support here from fellow forum members.

I have attached a link to our booklet “Your breast clinic appointment” as it will explain what might take place.


You might also find it helps to talk to one of our helpliners. They will be able to offer you practical information and emotional support. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000.

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hello Emmapie, you have done the right thing and asked to be assessed again, any lump no matter how young or old needs proper investigation. The waiting will be difficult try to find things to keep you occupied and push the worries away if only for a short time.

The process of being seen at your local breast clinic should be about taking a history from you, about the changes you have noticed, and any other medical history they need to know. They will look at the lump and surrounding breast. The staff should be very experienced, and able to reassure you, they will say if any further investigations are needed. It feels awful waiting. The helpline (number at bottom of the page) and staff are very good and have spoken to many in your situation so you could give them a ring if you think it may help.
Hopefully all will be ok Good luck x

P.S Take a friend along with you to appointment moral support is always good when your anxious.

Thank you meconopsis, that’s made me feel slightly less nervous. Taking a friend for support is a good idea, I hadn’t eve thought about that. I’m the type of person to always offer with things like that but I wouldn’t usually ask for myself. Xx

Hi Emmapie, as Meconopsis says take someone with you to your appointments, not only for moral support but to write down what they tell you, you’ll hear only half and remember even less of what the consultant/BC nurse says. Waiting for appointments and Or results is very hard, try to keep yourself occupied (less time for your imagination to run riot) and please don’t google, stay on this site or Macmillan, many of the other sites have out of date or inaccurate information and you’ll scare yourself to death. Do have a look at the BCC publication to which Janet has given you a link, the more you know what to expect at your appointment the less worried/anxious you’ll be. Keep posting either to ask questions/have a rant/cry we’ll be here for you. Let us know how you get on, best wishes for good news Pat x

I tried talking to a friend and she said i was being over dramatic, how could she say that when she doesn’t know what it’s like! Luckily I have nice friends and one of them is going to come with me.
Everyone is soo lovely on here and understanding. Thank you pat, again I didn’t think about writing things down, I’m sure whatever they say good or bad will go straight over my head! And thank you Janet that link has really helped, hopefully my mind can rest for five mins.

When you are in this situatiion, you certainly find out who your TRUE friends are!! Many of us have had experiences with so called friends (and relatives) similar to yours. It is pretty awful. I hope you have someone better to talk to. We will always be here for you though.

Sending big hugs to help you through this, and wishing you well.
Poemsgalore xx