Yesterday I had WLE and sentinel node biopsy. I am feeling blessed, it really was as if someone was looking out for me yesterday. If you had asked me at the beginning of the week how I felt about going for lumpectomy the answer would have been terrified! However yesterday went so well. I was due at hospital at 10:30am, they rang me at 7:45 to ask if I could get their any sooner…as in asap. So I quickly got dressed and went straight away. No time to think. I was seen by the anethestist straight away, then surgeon then nurse. I was on my way to theatre by 10am. I had a few tears in the pre theatre room but the staff were amazing.
I was home by 5pm sat eating pizza with the kids! My blue wee caused much hilarity with my 6 year old!
I am sore but no significant pain. I’ve had a comfortable sleep and plan to get stuck into a good book today. Feeling emotional but I think it’s more relief that yesterday went okay.
Now the waiting for results. I plan to stay positive & trust that I DID yesterday so I can do the next step too.
Well done scooter. Glad everything went well. You may feel a little emotional later too but thats normal. Take it easy now xxx
Terrific , Scooterbek. Stay positive and anything and everything is doable. As others have said, be good to yourself. Don’t take on too much and let the wounds heal well. Do your exercises and get full movement back, though. Good luck on your journey. X
What a fab post, well done you but make sure you do rest as well now, sometimes it is the adrenalin that keeps us going but keep in mind that you have just had a general anaesthetic so it may well affect you in the coming days.
As the other ladies have said make sure you do your exercises as they will be important when you come to having radiotherapy.
I must admit I was very surprised how well I felt after my op, but I did have a few days in the days following my op just put it down to the effects of the anaethetic.
Helena xxx
How long should I wait before doing exercises? …is it just a matter of keeping arm moving & raising it up as much as possible without it hurting? I got up to wave the kids off to school…(My Mum & Dad are here to do school drop off)…but was ushered back to bed! So I’m back in bed!
Well done Scooterbek
I was called a Smurf by my mates as I was pale after the SNB??
I too went to theatre at 10am but was home for 3pm. I did try to stay longer at the hospital but they weren’t having it.
Easy exercises started day after but harder ones week later.
Try to rest as it is after all surgery and you will recover better with plenty of rest!
Next it how to shower without getting dressing wet. I used cling film. Diprobase cream from the GP is good for healing wounds!
Try not to lift heavy things.xx