I am still waiting after 8 weeks since wle surgery for an appointment to start radiotherapy. I have been given anastrozole which I have taking for 2 weeks (so far only mild side effects) just wondering how long is usual before it starts. must admit I am starting to get anxious now. Fezzy 52
Hi Fezzy - I had WLE on 26th July , had planning appointment last week (6weeks later) and starting rads next Monday. Have you tried getting in contact with your oncologist secretary to chase it up? I would have thought you should have appointment by now according to the guidelines I have read.
Hope you hear soon - the waiting for appointments can be quite wearing can’t it?
Dear Fezzy, I had my surgery on the 3rd May with rads starting 6 weeks later on the 13th June. It seems stardard practice for it to be 6/8 weeks so that things can heal.
You’ve done the right thing by gettingv8n contact with your BCN but follow this up first thing Monday if you haven’t heard.
Maybe just an admin slip up but even so.
Good luck xx
just a phone call back from bcn, apparently they are chasing up my oncology appointment she said it can take up to 4 weeks to get an appointment that will be nearly 10 weeks post surgery does this seem a long time to wait to hear what treatment you will be having, I was given a oncotype dx score of 22 so still don’t know for sure if it will be chemo or radiotherapy or both
Dear Fezzy, Im glad that you are starting to get answers.
My rads were at a totally different hospital to my surgery/onc team, but it all kind of worked out well in the end as I was able to book the same time slot every day for all 18 sessions.
Looking back now I feel a right twat for getting so worked up over it all, when in the end I actually enjoyed the sessions (!!!) as everyone was so lovely and took the time to chat even when I knew I was the last body of the day and they wanted to get home!
I’ve been asked if so want to take part in a research study when I start radiotherapy.
It’s a special bra aimed at people with larger or low hanging breasts. (I’ve got big boobies) there a 50/50 chance of taking part.
The aim of the bra is to allow treatment to be given with only 1 tatoo. And allowing breasts to remain covered during treatment.
If allocated a bra there may be a slight increase in skin reaction compared to not wearing the bra due to the way the bra absorbs some radiation. This increase may be balanced with reduced reaction at base of breast.
If wearing bra 2 CT scans needed one with and one without bra.
There are questionnaires to fill in during treatment.
Need to decide if I want to take part.
Any thoughts from you lovely people would be great.
Thanks xx
got a letter today seeing the oncologist on 1st October so I should soon be starting treatment very relieved to hear something
Hi Aplletree
The BCN seemed all for it but said to discuss when I go for my planning session. I also phoned the radiologist who sent me the info she answered any concerns I had.
It’s 6 of 1 and half a dozen of other lol
They say to do whats best for me so I’ll ponder some more. X
Hi Fezzy 1952
Glad things are progressing for you. I had my appointment with oncologist 7th Sept and have my planning on 2nd Oct seems a long time between though. I have a seroma that’s going down think they wanted to give me time.
I asked if there was any detriment to short delay be for starting radiotherapy and he said no it’s fine within a timescale they work to. I’m not going to worry I was hoping to be done for my 61st on Oct 20th but as long as all done before Xmas that’s ok.
Susan x
Hi Fezzy
I had same opp as you 6weeks ago. All clear cancer was 4mm but pre-cancerous made up to 4cm. Snb clear.
Had infection week after opp had to take antibiotics I feel fine now but still got part pinky/ red area but it’s not bothering me.
Ready to get on with last leg of treatment now.
Susan x
Dear Fezzy, just catching up on the forum and wanted to see how you were getting along. So glad to hear that you have a date and things are starting to move along.
Get drinking heaps of water and stock up on the moisturiser!!!
Hi Fezzy xxx yep, all good here. 12 weeks since the end of rads and although still some stuff going on with boob settling down, no ongoing problems of note.
I had my final appointment with the BCN team last week and Im now looking to start a HOPE course early Nov. Just a 6 week group theraphy to sort the old gray matter out.
Any news on a confirmed date??
By date, I meant for rads, or will you find that out next week? ???
Just got my planning date today which is the 17th October, so hopefully be starting rads before end of October, got to have 20 sessions.
Great news xxxx
Everything is so much better once you have your dates and an idea of what you are working towards.
I was a mess of snot and tears at my planning day but in the end it was all upset and stress over nothing. Not that rads is nothing, i just mean I wasted a lot of energy stressing when i didn’t need to.
All the self care I needed to know during rads I got from this forum.
I got all my dates at my planning session and they started 2 weeks later. So hopefully you will be starting before the end of the month.
Afternoon ladies
I have recently returned from oncology to discuss radiotherapy arrangements and have been told I need 20 sessions ( 4 weeks)
I was a bit surprised as my BCN originally thought it would be 3 weeks.
I will need to go to Oxford Hospital for treatment which is about an hour away . Oncologist said they would be looking to commence my treatment sometime in November, probably mid month and that I would receive a follow up appt for my planning date in the next 2-3 weeks in oxford
I am a bit disappointed it is not sooner . It’s looks likely that I won’t finish my Rads until Xmas week.
I cannot believe that 2018 has been a write off for me , Investigations started in February and it’s going to late December treatment should be finished . Will have a follow up appt in the New Year with oncologist and them back for another mammogram May 2019
Hope you are all doing ok ? x
Hi Fezzy
I had my last surgery in August however they wait at least 8 weeks before undertake Rads. They need to make sure that I am well enough and can raise my arm above my head which I can now do but need to keep working on strengthening it .
Hopefully the planning appt will come through in the next 2 weeks then 2 weeks later start my Rads .
I’m not looking forward to it but I’m glad this is the last stage of my treatment.
Good luck on your Rads - let me know how you get on x
Hi all, I had my planning CT scan, tattoos and talk with the radiographer yesterday. I am having 15 sessions starting on 7 November. 40 minute drive to the hospital. Having got the WLE lumpectomy over with and just about recovered from that it is now on to the next part of treatment. Thinking about all you other ladies going through this just now
Hi mavit1
I’m new to the site. I had my 10th Oct just waiting for my follow up. I too was told by BCN possibly 15 sessions. I will also have mine at Oxford. Hope all goes well for you l will follow your posts.
Big hello to everybody x
Hello JannyB, / Ellajo , big warm welcome . good to hear that your radiotherapy sessions are due to start in the next few weeks
My planning date has been confirmed for next Tues in oxford so I will know when the treatment commences as they will give me dates to attend.
Good luck everybody- keep us updated xx ?