waiting for radiotherapy



I’m new to this discussion forum and ant to say hi to everyone and need some help with a worry I have.


Has anyone else experienced a long wait in between surgery and radiotherapy. I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in November last year and had a second operate on 8th January as margins weren’t clear. I saw medical oncologist in February who prescribed anastomosis. I have another appointment on the 18th of this month to see clinical oncologist to discuss radiotherapy which I’m told I will have. It just seems a long time since my surgery as all the guidelines say usually 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. I’m worried that it will affect the outcome. 



Hi Kathy and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support you will find here our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2

You may find the BCC radiotherapy Information helpful in the meantime:


Take care
Lucy BCC



I had surgery April 2013, no clear margins. Mastectomy 6 June 2013.  Didn’t have Radiotherapy until 8 August  2013 for 15 sessions. This was 9 weeks later,  i do think the ideal would be 4/6 weeks following surgery but you need to be sure skin has healed before Rads planning.  


Hope this is helpful.   Take Care   Gilly x

Just noticed my kindle changed words! I’m taking anastrozol. Must check in future.




I had my lumpectomy on 29th January, got my result on 13th February and was told I would need radiotherapy and I would see oncologist in about 2 weeks, as I heard nothing from oncology I called them yesterday and I now have an appointment on Wednesday 12th. I will let everyone now if he gives me a date for my radiotherapy. I also have a bone scan on the 13th.

I think like everyone else it is the waiting times that make us anxious. I think if they give you a date it is better even though it may be a few weeks away.


Take Care everyone.



Thanks everyone for your replies. It’s much appreciated and has really helped ease my mind about the waiting.

Very best wishes to you all


Hi Kathy

My cancer was a Grade 3, it was 13mm in total that was giving it clear margins and it had not spread to lymph nodes. I was worried that I might have chemo but they said no just RT and hormone therapy. I though all Grade 3 cancers had chemo. There is a lot of different treatments all seems very complicated.
Take Care.


Hi Kathy
Thanks for that it does get a bit confusing. I will know more when I see oncologist tomorrow. What is happening with you?

Angie. X

Hi Kathy
I saw oncologist today. I don’t have a date as yet they said I would get a planning appointment in the next 2 week’s where I would have a scan. It could be another 2 week’s after that before I start my radiotherapy. Hope all goes well for you on Tuesday and you get a date. Take care.
Angie. X

Hi Kathy
Had a call from oncology this morning and they have given me a planning appointment next Wednesday 18th and then they will give me my start date for Radiotherapy. So looks like it won’t be long now. Had my dexa scan yesterday for bone density. Take Care.
Angie. X

Hi, hope you don’t mind me commenting on this post about the time delays I experienced. I had my lumpectomy end of Oct 13 then second op to clear margins early dec then had a long wait for oncologist appt which was 28 of jan. My scan /set up appt was 3 weeks after that (13th February)but they gave me my 4 week radio start date & all my times, which started on the 10th at Churchill hospital, oxford.

Like others have said there are lots of factors, esp with a 2nd op to allow the tissue & scars to heal before starting radio, but Churchill is very busy too, expect some delays & parking issues, if you can get someone to drive you, I recommend this as lest stress of finding parking & getting to your appt.

Good luck with your radio, the appts are very quick, I think most peoples journeys are the main tiring factor to begin with.


Hi Kathy
Thanks for you good wishes. My planning went well been scanned and had my tattoos done. I start my radiotherapy on the 3rd April like you I have a 50 mile round trip. My radiotherapy is at Northampton hospital. Hope you get a call soon about your planning and then your start date. I think you have waiting long enough now Please let me know when you hear anything. I will keep posting.
Take Care
Angie. X

Hi Kathy
It all took about 45 minutes. They take lots of measurements of the area to be treated. The oncologist pops in to mark where he wants you to have the tattoos. Then when they are satisfied you are positioned correctly they leave the room and the scan is done. Then they do the tattoos and give you a week of appointments. I am having 15 sessions over 3 weeks. Just booked a few days in Bournemouth next week before I start my treatment. I will keep my fingers crossed that you here soon.
Take Care
Angie X