waiting for results

I cant believe how long some of you are having to wait for your test results… I had a mammogram scan and core biopsy on Wed 27th Feb and I have a appointment to get my results on Thursday 7th March I would be going crazy if it was any longer…I had a puckering around my right nipple at the begining of the year went to the breast care nurse and she examined it wasnt overly concerned as I am 53 and menopausal said keep a eye on it and if still there after next period go to Dr. Then I noticed a lump begining of Feb took me two weeks to get to see my Dr then went back a week later as had not heard anything and then got a call the next day giving me appt last week Consultant says it is not looking good,( mother had cancer father had prostrate cancer mothers sister had breast cancer). Have not told my children yet as they will worry and untill I know everything myself I can not see the point of giving them something to worry about. Hubby is brilliant but he is not handling it very well but I am prepared for the worst then if it is not it is a bonus…
I have so much support as mother in law and sister in law have both been through it and two work colleagues have been through it too.
Will keep you informed and let you know how I get on on Thursday…

I too am waiting for my results. Total shock . I had my first mammogram 22 August  (age 46) went to Brighton Breast care clinic for a repeat on 12th sept. I was then given an ultrasound and a core biopsy. I have to return next wed  25th sept for my results. Its a bad time , my mum is currently on chemo for lukaemia and my dad is recovering from bowel cancer surgery …to top it all  we had our 14 year old dog put to sleep Wednesday…not in a good place at the moment. I had never checked for lumps …i just cant stand the waiting…life has been put on hold for now.

Hi Kay , welcome to the BCC forums
I am sure you will have lots of support shortly, please also feel free to call our helpliners for practical and emotional support, it does sound as though you have a lot on your plate at the moment, 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and Saturday 10-2
take care
Lucy BCC