Waiting for results

Hi, I’m new here. Had a routine mammogram 3 weeks ago and attended Breast clinic yesterday for more tests. These included another mammogram and a core biopsy. I now have to wait 10 days for the results. I could see the lump on the screen and apparently it’s only about 2cm in size. Of course it could turn out to be nothing at all, but it’s the not knowing and the waiting. I don’t know how I’m going to get thro the next week!!

Hi Kar235 and welcome to the BCC forums

You will soon have lots of support here from your fellow users and our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000 to help you through, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

You may find the BCC ‘Worried about breast cancer’ pages helpful to read through, here’s the link:


Take care

Lucy BCC

I’m waiting for results too. Xxx feel like it’s all not real!

I get the results on Friday. Xx

I get my results at 1.30 today. I’ll be honest I feel quite calm and have convinced myself that it will turn out Ok. Let’s hope I’ll be proved right. Will post results on here later, wish me luck!1

Hey how have you got on xx

Hi Kar, sending big hugs your way, sorry to hear your news been thinking of you this afternoon, I’m off to bc next Monday for mam etc.

Take care xx

Hi Kar
I am sorry to read about your diagnosis, here’s some more information and support services from BCC which I hope you will find helpful over the coming weeks and months:


Take care
Lucy BCC

Thank you Kar, how are you doing Hun? Xxx