Waiting for results!

Hi everyone,

I know many people are in the same situation as us at the moment and I suppose I am just looking for comfort. My Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. She has since had her consultation with her doctor and has been told that it is Grade 2. She will definitely be needing hormone treatment, chemo and a single mastectomy. All of this we can cope with, the thing that is terrifying me at the moment is the pending results of her CT and bone density scans to tell if the cancer has spread elsewhere. I know it sounds irrational but I am so scared that the doctor will say it has spread everywhere and that there is no hope! The results are on Monday the 30th Dec and the wait is unbearable! x

Hi kellysparkles

I am sorry to read of your Mum’s recent diagnosis. Waiting for further results can cause increased anxiety which is perfeclty natural under these circumstance.  Hopefully some of the other users will be along soon to offer you their experiences and support. 

In the meantime if you need to talk things through or just have a listening ear please don’t hesitate to give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can share your feelings with a member of staff who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information.  Lines are open until 2pm today and the Monday from 9 to 5pm. 

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

How did your mum get on hun? X

Hi, thank you for asking.
Luckily the results went in our favour. The cancer hasn’t spread anywhere (I am SO relieved to be writing that!) The surgeon has decided to start her chemo before her mastectomy so that the 2 tumours in her left breast will hopefully shrink before the op. She’s going to see him on Monday to discuss starting the treatment. We’ll just be so glad to get started I think! x

That is good news hun that’s it’s not spread. My mum had a grade 2 invasive tumour that was removed in early November. Unfortunatly it had spread further in the breast (but not in Lymph nodes) so she went and had another Op on New years eve. We find the waiting on results the hardest (6 weeks here) it seems a long time when the surgeon says ‘we’ll be in touch with the results in 2/3 wks’. X

The wait is definitely the toughest to deal with. My Mum is waiting to have her mastectomy, however they are planning now to start her chemo this week so the op has been indefinitely postponed! We are just mind if glad that something is being done now though as the whole ‘limbo’ thing is terrible! x

*kind of glad


Sorry I am new to this forum and not sure as where to post this thread. My mom is 56 years old .She is having Alzheimers .Now she is showing a very violent behavior .Recently it was diagnosed that she is having breast cancer. The doctor is telling it is the very primary stage. She is not ready to take up any medicines. Last week a guy from My alarm care Canada came to install emergency necklace for her. And she behaved so violently that the man got injured. May be if in this stage of breast cancer proper treatment is essential .I don’t know how to deal with her with as an aggressive behavior! Any suggestions would be appreciated.Thanks!