waiting for results

Hello please help me to know how you get through the waiting.  Im ok and being positive one minute then it hits me and I feel sick and start crying.  Had a cyst aspirated 8 years ago so when I got the call back thought it had returned second mamo and scan revealed thickening of breast tissue.  Had 4 cone biopsies and get results end of the week.  When reading up on it I cannot find any positive outcomes I have convinced myself its bad. Any advice I feel like Im going out of my mind with worry.

Hi anx56 and welcome to the BCC forums
I am sorry to read that you have this worry, please feel free to call our helpliners to talk your concerns over, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000 and our team are here for you

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi anx56
If I knew the secret to getting through the waiting, I would gladly share it with you… unfortunately I don’t but be reassured that what you are feeling is perfectly normal. I have found that having a good bawl now and again doesn’t do any harm and often helps. Those emotions and stress have to have an outlet sometimes. Remember that those results may not be bad… statistics are still very much in your favour at this point.

If anyone tells you to “try not to worry”, please fight the urge to punch them… they obviously haven’t been in this horrible waiting room! xx

Go Anx,
Unfortunately, nothing takes your mind off of the waiting. It’s so hard but I will say this, I found myself coming to this site daily, hourly… Even more and it was the encouragement and kind words that helped me the most. Such a roller coaster of emotions and everyone’s rode is different. My thoughts are with you and do try to come here often… The kindness and the support is here! Please take care :slight_smile:

*hi , not go