I am new here so I apologise in advance for any errors I make.
Does anyone else feel that waiting for test results is the worst part of everything? I feel that once I have a diagnosis I can make a real fight rather than trying to fight clouds.
I am already a cancer survivor (twice over) and I’m just hoping that this new lump is something simple. I survived ovarian cancer in 1976 and adrenal cancer in 2002. Just to complicate everything I also have a blood condition which means I have to have treatment for iron overload and a uterine fibroid. The blood problem means that surgery is very dangerous and so no treatment is being offered for the fibroid right now.
My appointment at the breast clinic was on Monday and I had (in this order) Mammogram, examination by specialist, FNA, three core biopsies. There is no path lab at the local hospital so everything has to go to a central lab and then we have the waiting for the results. I’m told I will hear towards the end of next week and they will phone me.
The biopsies had to be done without anaethetic as the only one they had on hand was one I am unable to have (it contains adrenaline and after adrenal cancer and adrenalectomy I have medication to ensure my adrenal levels are kept “just so”). Needless to say the biopsy was not a pleasant experience. The medical student who was observing left the room as she felt so sick - I’m afraid I was a bit green round the gills when all was finished as well!
The specialist thought at first it was a simple cyst but there is a shadow in the mammogram and the FNA obtained nothing but blood. That is when he decided to do the core biopsies.He gave me a lot of information after doing the biopsies but I was almost comatose with pain so don’t remember much of what he said at all. I know I should of asked for something in writing or for him to speak with my husband but I was not even aware enough for that.
Thanks for letting me rattle on… I just feel as if I am in limbo right now. My husband is wonderful but I can’t tell anyone else right now until I have something to tell them so to speak…
I am really sorry that you are facing uncertainty for a third time. I do not really know what to say other than your biopsies experience sounds horrendous and I agree with you that the waiting for results is absolute agony. I have recently been diagnosed with secondaries in my bones and had to have CT & brain MRI and just felt physically sick waiting for the results as you do not know what you are up against until you are told. I do not know how I walked into the hospital my legs felt like they were going to give way underneath me. As it is there is no spread beyond the bones which is the best news I could have hoped for under the circumstances and whilst I don’t feel a whole lot better about it all I think my imagination of tumours being in very tissue or organ seems to have calmed down a bit now… until the next scan…
I don’t know if i have been any help and I hope that you get the best news possible when you get your results but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in the way you are feeling
If you feel it would help you are welcome to call our freephone confidential helpline on 0808 800 6000, it’s open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm for further support and a ‘listening ear’.
Good luck Patch. It sounds as though you have been through a pretty dreadful time and I really do hope for the best for you. You are right, the waiting is the worse, but this too will pass! Pennyx
I just saw your post when replying to Trace’s thread about waiting for results. Just wanted to wish you the very, very best of luck. Hoping you get good news soon.
The specialist just phoned. The biopsies look normal but the mammogram does not. I am to have further imaging done and image guided biopsy (again without anaethetic) as the specialist thinks he missed the lump first time round.
I just got a call from the specialist - unfortunately I was with a client so he just left a message. He wants to see me again next Monday for the ultrasound and ultrasound guided biopsy. I wish he would just cut the lump out and be done with it even if the lump is benign.
Monday is our really busy day at work but we have phoned most people to reschedule their appointments. Most are unhappy about the short notice but nothing I can do about it.
just read your message to me and then spotted this one. so sorry you are going through this, wish i could take
it away from you. never mind about work. YOU are the important one. i wish you all the luck on monday.
The appointment went well and the ultrasound guided biopsy was a breeze.
Turns out “the lump” was actually several thick-walled calcified cysts. The surgeon drained the largest (18mm) but has left the rest insitu for the time being. If the path lab result is okay he will see me again in 6 weeks time. As there is calcification present he is going to run regular checks.
Thank you all for the support you have given me - I’m off to read up about cysts now!!!
Well done you ,am so pleased it wasn’t the worst scenario.
Just one word of advice, next time you have a health scare, sod the the work, get yourself sorted. Remember stress can be the cause of lots of problems, so ease off a bit!
Take care
Norma x
Wish I could forget about work. Unfortunately it is me that earns the money in my house and work only pays SSP during illness. £72.55 a week (after the first 3 days when you get nothing) doesn’t pay the bills. I’m still in debt from when I had to borrow money during my last cancer treatment in 2002.
My Boss was in today for a short while. All care and concern on the outside but she was really wanting to let me know I would not be paid for the time I have been away on hospital visits and to remind me that if I am off work for more than 8 weeks I will be deemed to be incapable of fulfilling my duties. She gave me my termination of employment notice so that if I am off for more than another 7 weeks sick in the next 51 weeks I am out of a job.
Hi Patchwitch, Your boss sounds really thoughtless. She can’t be aware of how we feel when we are waiting for results.
I agree the waiting is the worst. We always imagine all sorts of things. A friend said it is better when you know ‘the dragon you have to fight’ so my daughter bought me a St George hand puppet to fight it for me. Luckily St George did the trick. Scared it away. I hope things go well for you.
Heidicat x
I am sorry to learn you are having problems at work regarding time off for sickness and appointments. Could I suggest that you give the helpline a call where you can perhaps discuss in more detail your work issues, the staff here may be able to help you with some of the options you have regarding this. The number is freefone on 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.
Please take moderators advice on this and phone that number. After all you are going through this is the last thing you need, and as for your boss, what a heartless bitch! Even though it is legal she could be a bit more understanding.
You know how you wouldn’t wish this on your worst enemy - well - wish away !!!
Your Boss sounds totally insensitive and deserves to be put in her place - follow the advice of Jo the Moderator - ring that number and Good Luck
Best wishes
Maddy xxxxx