Waiting for scan results

Hi, this is the first time I have posted anything. I have been on previously but got so worked up I couldn’t bring myself to do anything. I had a mastectomy and clearance nearly 3 weeks ago and now having bone and CT scans. Go back next Wednesday to see oncologist and get results. Have been told I will have chemo and rads but now very anxious about scan results. I. Am so worked up about everything. I felt that I dealt with the initial dx really well but have been really low since the op.
Has anyone got any tips on how to deal with the “gremlins” that keep invading my brain. I am trying really hard and want to be strong for my husband and children (age 31 & 28). They are so supportive and I know what it is doing to them to see me like this. I am sorry this is so negative but just need to talk to someone who is going through similar. Thanks.

BS, there’s absolutely no need to apologise, we know how you feel.

I was very lucky at my diagnosis that I didn’t have node involvement but there will be others along who had positive nodes and then the terror of being in The Waiting Room waiting for scan results who can give you suggestions. One of the ladies on here who is a breast care nurse (I think) has often said that very few people are diagnosed with secondaries from the start, so try to hold that thought. If you need some help with anxiety and sleep your GP may be able to prescribe you a short course, just to get you through till next week. Don’t be scared to use the resources that are out there, this is a truly horrible time for you.

Chemo and rads aren’t nice, but they are do-able, and your onc will try very hard to get anti-sickness meds sorted so you don’t feel too ghastly.

Dear Bluesapphire, welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the valuable support you will continue to receive here, our helpliners are on hand to offer you support and a listening ear if you feel it would help to talk to someone one to one, the lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000

Best wishes

Thanks for getting back to me. I have decided to see my GP and he has given me something to help but will take a while to kick in. Just have to wait for Wednesday now for results.

HI bluesapphire am just bumping up and letting you no there is a PET/CT SCAN FORUM you may like to take a look there are lots of us waiting for scan results just like you xx josie1

Hi bluesapphire,
Waiting for results is so stressful, I had mx and node clearance 4 weeks ago and have just had bone and ct scans. Get my results on Thursday so can understand how u feel, first u worry about the diagnosis ,then u worry about the op, then u worry about the scans, then the chemo. I feel like I’ve been worrying for ever and it’s horrid! I used to be such a relaxed person. I know I’m having chemo and rads, just waiting for a start date. Be kind to urself. I felt very low and tearful post op and I’m sure it’s something to do with the surgery. I’m Gjad ur children r being supportive, I have 3 age 20, 16, and 5. Good luck with results, hope they r good,
Sending positive vibes ur way
Herbi x

Hi Josie1
Thanks for that. I really appreciate it. I know I’m not alone and there are many others who are going through it too. Blue sapphire xx

Hi Herbi. Sounds like we are at a very similar stage. It was good to hear from you. Good luck with your results too on Thursday. I will be thinking of you. Blue sapphire xx

hi all, i am too in the waiting room for my ct scan results, had scan last fri. I have had mx with 9/26 nodes involved and have nodes going up to collar bone with gremlins still in, but hopefully rads will zap them…hoping they not gone elsewhere too…
i have 3 children , 10, 8 and a very loud 2 year old who is at the moment getting the imaginary cows in!!!
he is shouting at them in the kitchen!!!
i try to focus on them and block everything else until i am actually in car on way to appointment…“try” being the operative word!!!
busy xmas schedule helps!!!
thinking of you allxxxx

Hope you got the results you wanted Herbi and Tankgirl. I am feeling much better as the bone scan was clear and the CT showed only a few nodes higher on my chest which I knew about and that’s why I am having the chemo and rads. I can now try to concentrate on Christmas and enjoy before treatment starts in the New Year. Hope you have a peaceful Christmas.
Bluesapphire XXXXX

well finally got a phone call to say results and onc appt next thurs, 5th jan!! we are movin on!

bumping xx

hi ladys just hopeing anyone waiting for scan results have good ones xx josie

i had my mx and auxillary clearance on the 7th of dec. I had 5/8 node involvement and was automatically given a ct and bone scan the radiologist who did the ct said that it was just routine to have scans if node involvement and not to be too concerned and the bone scan nurse said it was just a a routine work up before chemo - so this was quite reasurring get my results on the 11th of Jan and my chemo programme so hopefully will have a plan of sorts - suffering with mastitis at present which is odd seeing as i don’t have a boob!!!

Hope this reassures everyone

bumping post as have my c.t scan booked for the 18th jan so getting worried now , not sure when results will be yet xx


I was DX on 16th Dec and had a PET/CT scan the following Thursday. The day before I had the scan I attended a funeral of a work colleague/close friend and had to give a speech. Was very hard for me sitting through that service listening to everything myself when I didn’t know whether I had secondaries or not. I kept the news from his family because it wasn’t right to give them that news on ‘his’ day. I managed the funeral & speech so am proud I held it together. Ironically it was him that bullied me into chasing up my overlooked biopsy appointment so he must now be my guardian angel! Not yet told his family. At least I had clear scan results though so once I’ve got rid of this I shod be fine again. Know exactly how those waiting for results are feeling. Nothing makes it easier does it…just do what you can x


Just returned from oncologist and delighted to say that my ct and bone scans were all clear! first bit of good news since diagnosed. I am starting my chemo on Wednesday FEC x3 and Docetaxel x 3 so can tick something else of my list, working through it.

Good luck to everyone else waiting for results

Hi ladys well just back from having c.t. scan and feeling fed up and upset , seem to just get on with life but as soon as i have to go to the hospital i get so upset and just worry all the time , now have to wait again for my results so am feeling scared again .
sorry just get my self in such a state and dont want to let my family no how upset i am xxxx sad today xxx

bumping xx

Hi josie1

If you would like some additional support whilst you are waiting for your scan results please do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can talk through how you are feeling with someone who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The lines are open Monday to friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 9 to 2pm.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator