Waiting for ultrasound. Out of my mind

I have been having breast problems for quite some years. Constant pain including nipple shooting pains plus lost discharge in nipple. I never seemed medical help as thought it would go. Well the discharge eventually stopped so I just let it go. Now for the past four months breast been mega painful even wok me up with burning stinging sharp pain in my nipple swollen breasts and sore. I been on a diet for 8 weeks and I was working away when again constant dull ache pain in breast and I don’t know what it was but something said in my head check your breasts to which I did and felt a lump. The lump is not sore but every part of my breast is I rang the doctors the following morning and saw a doctor that afternoon who confirmed I have about a 2cm lump. My appointment is next Wednesday to see breast clinic and have ultrasound. I am out of my mind with worry and saying to myself if only I got them checked when I lost the discharge I don’t know what to think Anybody else with similar probs even if it was the worst news you received I would like to hear. The not knowing and waiting I think is the hardest. If it is BC at least I know and can start planning on getting thru this horrible chapter of my life xx

I had similar pain and it was so strong it was like being stabbed through the nipple, I had to press hard on the breast to contain the pain and I found a little bump. I was at the breast clinic within days: they did the mammogram and the untrasound and the biopsy. You get a glimpse of the screen and you can see the size of the lump.They wont say much till the biopsy come back if this is the case. However I have strong pain in my other breast and there is nothing at all in my right breast.



I found the lump went to the breast clinic and was there for 5 hours!  Saw the consultant, went for a mamogram, well 4 actually as mine is in my right breast underneath.  Then went for an ultrasound where she concentrated a lot on my lymph nodes too.


Then they came back in and said we are going to do a biopsy, and the needle made this click noise, rather like a ‘pop’ gun.  Well, she gave me an anesthetic and then said here we go and BANG, I said “bloody hell fire” what was that - that really really hurt"  I think I shocked her, anyway she said she was sorry and that because mine is very near the breast bone, it hurt more than normal as the breast tissue usually takes the ‘hit’ if you can understand me?  Anyway, she had to do this 3 more times.


I then had to wait for the results.  The consultant is extremely good and just kept saying ‘we can treat this’ we can treat this, this is what we do here.  


Now, don’t get me wrong, I have had a few wobbles and didn’t read any of the pamphlets given to me.  But as it is only 5 days away - I am on this site asking questions.


Everyone in the clinic is kind, and totally understands the shock and worry we all have.  I do hope this has helped?

