I’m 35 with history of endometriosis and had my total hysterectomy 8 months ago. I have a family history of cancer and pending results of genetic testing. I woke up Monday and noticed when I was showering that I had some discharge from the Montgomery gland next to my nipple that was bloody. Later that day I had some more discharge that was clear/ yellow but nothing since. Two days later, I woke up with an elongated lump in the lower inner quadrant of my right breast. I monitored it for a little bit Then decided I would call my doctor just to get it checked out. I had an appointment the following day. I was fully hoping/ anticipating they would tell me it was fine and that I’m just a hypochondriac. Not what happened. She said, due to the sudden onset and the nature of poorly defined border, associated erythema, and lack of fever, she did not feel that this is a mastitis. She put in rush, orders for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, and if anything suspicious or abnormal was found, they would biopsy the same day. My appt is in a week and a half and I’m going through various feelings of fog, panic, completely fine. Part of me thinks Everything will be fine, but part of me and my gut just knows this is cancer.
The lump is hard on one side and more firm in other parts. It’s near the sternum/ crease or fold of my breast. It is tender/ painful and measured roughly 3 cm x 18 cm. Just looking for guidance and others with similar experience.