Waiting Game

Hi Im new to the site but just thought I would see if anyone else has undergone any similar experience (which Im sure you will have!)

Came across a firm lump under my left breast (can only feel it when im led down)went to doc 12/4 and seen consultant today. Consultant said he didn’t seem overly concerned about the lump but sent me for a mammogram and arranging for me to have a scan. I asked what it could be if its not sinister and he said ladies sometimes get these lumps with wearing underwired bras - has anyone else ever been told this?

Any comments or advice would be very much appreciated as im still worried that the lump is sinister.

Many Thanks

hi Traffs just so you dont feel alone have a chat with foxy honeypot think there in same place as you at the mo,big hug.xx

Hi Traffs,

There’s me Honeypot, Scared, Jocro, Funmum all in a simular place so we’re kind of holding each others hands as we wait so “welcome”. It helps because the waiting is the worst thing. I’ve worn underwired bra’s for over 20 years and I work in the lingerie industry and I’ve never heard of this. We reccommend that underwires are not worn during pregnancy but thats all. The helpline is amazing give them a call tomorrow. In the meantime sending you hug, take care.

Foxy x

Hi trafs, have you had your mammogram or are you waiting? Big hugs x

Hi Taffs

Sorry to have to welcome you here, but its such a comfort being here. Real life friends just keep saying ‘don’t worry’ 'I’m sure its nothing nasty etc etc… They mean well…
but no one can know how frightening it is until they have walked in our shoes… :frowning:

Keep posting. I’ll be on and off til about 10p.m and I am sure Foxy, Jocro, scared and funmum will be too

…and mum47

Hope I haven’t forgotten anyone in the waiting room :wink:

Thanks everyone it all feels very scary at the moment but the support on here seems to be great.
Scared01 - yes had mammogram today and they have told me they will send for me for a scan in the next two weeks so I presume I won’t have any info until that’s been done.
Foxy45 - yes it does sound a little odd about the underwired bra thing I think that’s why I feel quite nervous.
Have any of your consultants been positive with you about your ‘lumps’ in the fact that they have said not to be too concerned?
Lost my mum to lung cancer just over 12 months ago so it all feels a little surreal.
Trying my best to stay positive but its hard.
Thanks everyone x

Its hard to stay positive but remember the chant 9 out of 10. I haven’t seen the consultant so can’t say, guess it probably also depends in the consultant. Wish they would tell us there and then.