Waiting game...

Marge, phew!! what a relief for you. Thank you for sharing your good news.
HKbaby, thinking about you for next Monday. good luck, hope your news will be good too.


Good news marge

Good luck hk baby x

Marge, we ALL are delighted to heat any sort of good news on this site, where so much bad news is aired, so don’t worry about sharing!!

One thing I was just reflecting on last night was my own reaction after being diagnosed with benign cysts in my 30’s. I didn’t have the benefits of a resource like this, and after I was told what should have been, and was, of course, very good news, I just couldn’t shake myself out of a very dark place. I don’t believe I ever told anybody how bad I felt. I just felt stupid. I couldn’t make sense of it myself, and it sent me into a spiral that almost ended our marriage!!
We eventually pulled ourselves out of the mire, but it was very traumatic, sort of post-traumatic stress syndrome, I now think.

Now, I don’t know how common that is, but seeing the stress levels on here, especially in that pre-diagnostic limbo, it makes me wonder. I just wanted to say … if it happens to you, seek help!!

Thanks ladies. Morwenna, I agree - even when you feel calm, it’s there in the background. It’s not an easy subject to discuss, in my case because I really didn’t want any fuss, or for loved ones to panic unnecessarily, which is why forums such as this are amazing and probably life-saving.
I’ve been shattered this week - think all the stress is catching up physically, though I have rarely felt as optimistic about life in general as I do now.

Well…start (EC)chemo monday ! Eek !! Starting to get nervous so going to have a day at Centre Parcs to relax and switch off (for a while anyway). Was diagnosed March 27th and starting Chemo April 29th.
Great news Marge …what a relief !!
My friend has IBC in her bones and has received fantastic news …it is receding !! All her secondaries have gone too :slight_smile:


Good luck with the EC chemo on Monday. If you look down the column on the left of the page, you will see a section for those having chemo. There is a group for the Awesome April Angels and another for the May Moonbeams. These groups are for us to support and help one another through our chemo. Pop into one of these two groups and introduce yourself. They will be happy to hear from you and welcome you. I belong the the February Valentines group.

Again good luck.
poemsgalore xx

Thanks Poemsgalore xx