Waiting on Biopsy - But it doesn’t sound good

I am new to these types of forums so I am just looking for some advice. I found an irregular hard barely moveable lump in my right breast probably a little over a month ago. I had an appt with my NP and she thought it was probably a cyst but where this one felt different than the fibroadenomas I have in my left breast she wanted another mammogram and ultrasound. I also suspected it might be a cyst at the time. Went in for my mammogram and ultrasound, due to where the lump is they could not get it on the mammogram so an ultrasound was done. The findings from that were not a cyst but an irregular hypoechoic mass with vacularity a little shy of 2cm. I just had a breast exam back in July and it was not there at that time. They said that I needed a biopsy to get conclusive results. My biopsy is schedule for next week but I did have another call with my NP and she sounded pretty definitive that it was malignant due to the findings of the ultrasound and how quickly it appeared. But that it is small so we most likely caught it early. They will be putting in a clip as well during the biopsy and also want to do another ultrasound on my left breast to make sure those fibroadenomas are still the same. They were completely round and did not look to have grown in size on the mammogram since 2021. I’m trying my hardest not to freak out before I have any results, but the way my NP was talking is that it seems as though it’s cancerous but that we most likely caught it early where it is small and there wasn’t any other spots in my right breast. Everything I read online also says that with all they are talking about between the ultrasound and biopsy that they also think it’s most likely cancerous.


Hi @dogmomx6 welcome to the forum. Even though you’d rather not be here, I hope you find the support you need.

Around 80% of lumps are not cancer, there are numerous things it could be so hang on to that. However, it is pretty common these days to be told with some certainty that a lump is probably cancer. I had the same experience two and a half years ago when I was called back in after a routine mammogram. Had an ultrasound as the radiologist was trying to do a biopsy (it was a small lump so difficult to find) and was told as I was lying there that it was cancer but the biopsy would find out what kind. Also, as this was happening, a breast cancer nurse was standing round the other side holding my hand and she said “don’t worry, we are going to fix this” and to date they have.

You are in the worst period right now when the medical team are still gathering information and cannot tell you definitively what you have and what they will do to fix it. This period will last a number of weeks and you’ll have to be strong and not fill the void with imaginings of the worst case scenario. Do you have one or two people in whom you can confide who can listen and give you support? Once you have the results of the biopsy and IF it is cancer, then you will be given a treatment plan and once you have that, you will feel more in control. Yes, it is a massive shock and yes the treatment can be a challenge but the vast majority of women who have breast cancer get through it and out the other side, going on to live normal lives. In the meantime, if you would prefer to speak to someone who is experienced and knowledgeable about practically anything to do with your experience so far and your concerns for the future, please feel free to call our Breast Cancer Nurses on 0808 800 6000 between 9am-4pm Monday to Friday or 9am-1pm on Saturdays.


Thank you @Tigress for your response! You are right, this waiting period is by far the worst part!! I was told that there is always a chance that it is not cancerous and if it is not the lump will still need to be removed due to the vascularity of it. But that it is most likely malignant. I was more or less just wondering if others have had the same diagnosis so far and what your biopsy results ended up coming back with. I am preparing myself for the news that it is malignant, but it is small so hopefully we caught it early enough. I feel like I am hyper focusing on everything though, while the lump is not sore or tender or even the area around it if I feel a little pain or something I worry it’s getting bigger or pressing on nerves possibly causing that discomfort. I am so glad that you came out on the other side of things, that is great news. I do know that breast cancer is definitely a more curable cancer than most!


Everybody feels like that to start with @dogmomx6 but tumours don’t grow at the pace we think they do which is why breast cancer is not considered a medical emergency. Don’t forget, your breasts are not an organ in the way that your lungs or brain etc are so early stage cancer doesn’t kill anybody. Having said that, they will try to treat you as quickly as possible if it turns out to be cancer but it is imperative that they get all the information to determine the best treatment plan for you. Unfortunately that does mean that things can change a bit after surgery when they are able to take the whole thing out and subject it to rigorous and extensive testing but more often than not, what you’re told at the outset turns out to be what you’re treated for. In my case, I had a lumpectomy as the lump was so small (15mm) plus the removal of two lymph nodes from my armpit to test if any microscopic cancer cells had moved in to them, which they had not. I had five days of radiotherapy and, because my tumour was fed by oestrogen, some oestrogen inhibiting tablets for 5 years. Around 30% of breast cancers are treated with chemo so 70% are not. A smaller percentage also get what are called targeted therapies if their tumour responded to HER2. So there are a mix of things that can be offered to you but rest assured that your Mixed Disciplinary Team (MDT) will devise the best treatment plan for you. Reassuringly breast cancer is permanently being studied, researched and new treatments are being implemented. Often people will be told not to Google or research things online but my view is, if you feel you need to know, make sure you stick to legitimate sites like MacMillan, Cancer Research, Breast Cancer Now. It is all doable as 60k women per year find out, most of whom go on to watch it vanish in the rear view mirror as time goes on. But there is still a chance that you might not be diagnosed at all! Fingers crossed for you.


Dear Dogmox6,

I can see you have had some excellent advice from Tigress so I would like to wish you well, with health and happiness going forward.

Hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:


@Tigress thank you so much for all of that information. It truly makes me feel so much better. My lump is just shy of 2cm so I am hoping for a lumpectomy as well. My mom also had breast cancer about 10ish years ago and they caught hers early and she had a lumpectomy and needed some radiation treatment but it wasn’t a lot I do know that. So I am hopeful that if it does come back malignant as they expect I will go down the same road as my mom. I truly appreciate the knowledge you shared and thank you, I am hoping for the best!! I have my biopsy next Tuesday and it will be about a week for the results after so I am trying to not go down all the rabbit holes!


@Tili thank you so much, the knowledge that everyone has here is wonderful. I am hoping for the best but preparing for whatever comes my way!! Thank you for the kind thoughts!


dogmom, I see you have already been given such good advice.

Your experience sounds rather like mine. In November I had a lump appear, right breast 2.2 cm. I have had lumpy breasts all my life and didn’t go quickly to see my doctor, thinking it was just another ordinary lump. When I presented I was fast tracked to see the breast cancer consultant. I had two ultrasounds and two mammograms + four biopsies and they were telling me on the same day that the likelihood was cancer.

When I returned for my biopsy results on 10 December, it confirmed Grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. I had a lumpectomy on 15 January because the size of my tumour in proportion to the size of my breast was too small to justify complete removal of the right breast (mastectomy).

Now it is the waiting game again because I was told that it is possible after a full analysis of the tumour removed on 15th January, my grade and stage of cancer (the latter I don’t really know yet) “could” change, for example it could improve or be more serious. They can tell so much from the pathology report about the nature and any spread of our cancer.

I have such confidence in my breast cancer team because I know they have my best interests at heart. The care I have received has been exceptional and I couldn’t have wished for more. My only fear is that they may wish to put me on treatments that I would rather not have because of other health conditions. However, I was told I would not be forced to accept a treatment but would be given all the information I would need to make an informed decision.

I do wish you well. Try not to worry. When has worry or stress ever helped us? Look after yourself and build up your strength so that you will sail through this important part of your journey xx

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@angelina did they describe your lump at all? Mine kind of feels like a rock under the skin and then almost another part under that. The ultrasound tech had told me that it looked like it was attached to my chest wall, which is where the vascular part came from. And it’s not round. I also have lumpy breasts but they have always been round very very moveable and almost kinda squishy feeling. This one was completely different and I could actually see it in the mirror before I felt it. It appeared over a few months. I have also had a very awesome team and they have been great about moving things along and answering all my questions. I’m hoping that even though they will need to send the tissue out, that one Tuesday they can tell me a little more maybe.
Your experience honestly sounds as wonderful as this whole thing could be, and I am so so glad to hear your team has been great too. I have heard horror stories so I have been very nervous through this. But so far everyone I’ve seen has been so kinda and caring and have made sure things are moving quickly and there is less waiting.
I hope that your results come back as less than what they initially thought and you do not need anymore treatments!!
Thank you again for your kind words, this forum is honestly making me feel a bit more at ease about everything!

dogmom, Yes they described my lump on initial inspection as being “high grade 5 on both mammogram/ultrasound” where on a scale of 1-5, one being unlikely and five being likely cancer.

They described the tumour as a tender lump in the upper central aspect of the breast at the 12 o’clock position. It was firm and mobile and it had an indeterminate appearance. Ultrasound scan of the right breast revealed a suspicious solid lesion. Bilateral mammogram also revealed a suspicious solid lesion.

My biopsy results confirmed right upper centre symptomatic 22mm Grade III invasive ductal carcinoma ER 8/8, PR 5/8, HER2 negative. My consultant wrote: on palpation, there is a 2.2 cm well defined mass which is consistent with the known cancer in the 12 o’clock position of the right breast.

We discussed breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy) which I had on 15 January. I am being discussed in an MDT meeting tomorrow and will be informed of my results early next week. It is a waiting game but a necessary one. This part cannot be rushed and accuracy of the diagnosis is key to getting the right treatment.

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@angelina It sounds like your team has been absolutely wonderful to you, which makes everything better! And I completely understand that everything needs to be 100% accurate so waiting is completely normal.
Mine was described as an irregular lobular hypoechoic mass with vascularity just shy of 2cm. Which I of course did not know what it meant and when my NP was describing it she seemed fairly certain it was probably going to be malignant because of all the components. Especially because the fibroadenomas that I have in my left breast are completely normal. The ultrasound tech was also concerned, due to where mine is they were not able to get it on the mammogram at all unfortunately.
I’m just trying to take it day by day as I am sure you are as well! Thank you so much for talking with me, I really truly appreciate it and hope for the best news for you as well!!