Hiya, guess I’m the newbie!
Had a biopsy last night and get the results tomorrow. To say I’m terrified is an understatement!
Hiya, guess I’m the newbie!
Had a biopsy last night and get the results tomorrow. To say I’m terrified is an understatement!
I’ve been reading some of these chats and there have been many mentions of ‘9 out 0f 10 are benign’. Does anyone know if thata biopsys or lumps in general?
Yes - that’s a questions I have also. Is it just that we are only reading of the bad stories…
Hi Chewbacca,
I am sure it refers to lumps in general and not biospies, I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.
I hope you get good news tomorrow, please let us know!
Hi Chewbacca
Sorry that you have had cause to join the forum here. Wishing you well for your results tomorrow. I cannot answer your question re how the stats are worked out.
9 out of 10 are benign, keep that thought. You will however worry til you get the results whatever anyone says.
All the best Alice
I’m feeling for you chewy - this is one of the worst waiting stints, IMO. Though perhaps the rapid call-back after a standard mammogram is on a par. You’ve only got to hang in there until tomorrow - grit your teeth and endure. Have a glass of wine or get out in the garden, whatever helps you relax. There is no point in excavating the statistics unless you’re into quantitative data analysis - because you’ve no way of knowing where you’ll be on the curve.
Here’s hoping that for you it will be the benign side - but if it’s not, you’ll find the strength to deal with it and probably a few fringe benefits in terms of self-knowledge along the way. I’m currently about six weeks after diagnosis and four weeks after op - and it’s all do-able. I’m finding it kind of fascinating to tell the truth.
All the best - hope you’ll be celebrating putting the scare behind you this time tomorrow evening.
Thanks for your kind comments… I guess its just fingers (and everything else crossed for now)… I Will let you know x
Hi ladies! Just to let you know I got the most amazing news last nite that my lump is benign! Still cant believe it! I thought it might sound a bit boastful coming back on here but having read so many of the chats over the last week I remember loving finding the ones that worked out fine so if this helps just one woman for 5 mins then its worth it. I had 6 core biopsies which convinced me that I had it, so it’s not always the worst.
I really do wish you all well,
Take care
Ali x
Yeyyyy, thats great news. You must be soooo relieved. Congratulations.
Take care
Yvonne x
Fantastic and congrats, really happy for you, Alicex
You have made me feel better because I was thinking Biopsy they must think its cancer I will keep my fingers crossed good luck to everyone else who is waiting
That’s fabulous news, Ali!!
Congratulations and thanks for letting us know, I have been checking the site to see if you had posted your results.
Good luck,
Tracy x