Waiting on tenterhooks for apt

Hi Tessamae - I really think you should try giving the hospital a call and exlaining all the changes that are happening… if nothing else you will be worrying yourself silly…


Hi tessamae,

Theresa has pointed me in your direction as i had not spotted your thread.

Sweetie please phone your GP and ask for an urgent referral to the breast clinic due to the recent changes in your breast.

The type of breast cancer we have (IBC) is very rare. Unfortunately it mimics very well sypmtoms associated with mastitis and other infections such as cysts. It really is still very likely that your problem is an infection but your GP should offer you a course of antibiotics in the 2 week wait for a clinic appt. This is enough time for an infection to clear or show that further tests are needed.

Please ask for antibiotics and let us know how you are doing.
Jackie x

Hi tessamae

I can’t add anything really that the other ladies haven’t already suggested, but I really think you SHOULD make your dr aware of what is going on.

Good luck and let us know how it is

P xx

been trying to see gp since wednesday but you have to book apt before8.30am each day…i have been phoning every morning from 8am but haven’t been able to get in…going to go to the surgery on Monday and not move until doc sees me, even if i wait til the end of surgery…am really sorry everyone if it sounds like i am whingeing, am just really worried…can’t sleep very well,overtired etc…mydoc is not the most sympathetic of people and when i went, he felt the lump, then nurse felt it, both agreed it was egg shaped and then he said he was referring me to breast clinic…his last words to me were a tap on the shoulders and ‘now don’t get thinking you’ve got cancer or something, it is routine’, which made me feel a bit silly for going in the first place.now, i am quite annoyed about his attitude, how can i not worry?the day i went to see him, the area of discoloured skin above where the lump is was hot and imflamed…asked if i had banged it…sorry am rambling i know…am finding it really hard to talk to those close to me, i am usually a positive person but have been up and down this last week. it really helps to talk on the site.will let you know how i get on.

Sorry guys, don’t know if i said but i am 34…thanks everyone

tessamea, just wanted to say we all agree on here, the waiting is the worst part of BC. What you have to remember is you may not have BC, it may be an infection, cyst or something else. Lots and lots of ladies come on here in your position, looking for reasurance. Many of them end up finding out they don’t have breast cancer and end up leaving relieved and thankful for the support on here and carry on with their lives.
What i am trying to say is no one can make the worrying go away but we do know how you feel.
I agree with everyone about keep badgering your gp for a quicker app, no one should wait a month to be seen.
Keep coming on here if it helps you, we will help you as much as we can, even if its just to listen to you have a much deserved rant.
sending you a cyber hug (((hug)))
Luv Pauline x

Hi Tessamae,

Just found your thread thanks to Theresa. We have all been through what you are feeling now and it really is the worst part. I know that’s hard to believe but once you know what you are facing and have a plan in place it gets easier on the nerves. I was diagnosed myself only 2 months ago and also had problems getting a clinic appointment. I was lucky that I eventually got to speak to a consultant when I mentioned inflammatory breast cancer and he arranged for an immediate appointment. I’m glad you are going back to your GP. DO NOT let him put you off. He really should, as Theresa says, be treating you with antibiotics in case you have a simple infection. If that is the case your symptoms should respond within 2-3 days and ease your worries. If not, he needs to get back to the clinic and increase the urgency of your referral. It sounds as though he hasn’t put it through as urgent.

best wishes, Jan

Hi Tessamae

I really can’t add anything to what the others have all said, but I just wanted to add my support. Just stick up for yourself at the GP’s you have a problem and a right to be seen.

Love and Hugs


Have been to see gp tonight…told him about changes in breast, (the skin discoloured skin above lump is pitted and got what look like deep edged wrinkles)…explained about the green matter which has been coming out op my nples… he called in the nurse and then he examined me…nurse pressed down on lump and it didn’t hurt but a few drops of green stuff came out…doc commented that breast had changed…nurse asked whether i had found a lump and i 5told her was booked into clinic for june 29…doc then said, well there is no point in referring you as urgent now, as you have only got just over two weeks to go(which is fair enough i suppose).However, i am still a little worried, especially because when i got there, the doc asked me if he had seen me recently and i reminded him about the lump in my breast, he then told me i must have seen another doc, reassured him it was definitely him i saw and reminded him he had referrred me…it was only when he pulled notes up i remembered…He told me to go home, not to worry and that the only time to be concerned is if the breast gets bigger(mine)he said it was prob an infection… so that is the latest…June 29 it is then…just wanted to keep you all posted and thank you once again for your words of advice…am going to try mind over matter and put my concerns to the back of mind until i go to the breast clinic and find out once and for all what the problem is…thanks again

Could you phone the Clinic, as you’ve got a date, and tell them about theses recent developments and see what they think? They are the experts, not your amnesiac GP!

Having worked in a hospital I think it really helps being able to send things in writing.

Phone calls are too easily overlooked by staff. If I were you I would write down in a very clear manner all the symptoms and changes that you have experienced and send it to the clinic first class or even deliver it by hand. Address it to one of the surgeons in the clinic. You should have been seen by now. I think your GP is being very irresponsible.

I hope that is helpful.

I have phoned breast clinic again today and my apt has been moved forward to Monday 15 june which is a wweight off my mind as it is only few days away…will keep in touch…thanks again everyone…

That’s good news…:smiley: Hopefully you will get some answers very soon…

I’m not sure has your gp ever given you any antibiotics in case it is an infection…?



Good News. Lets us know how you get on


Hi again…bit of an up and down day…was ecstatic 2get an earlier apt, but the clinic just phoned me and they have overbooked for next monday…there is nothing available until June 29(date of original apt)…am gutted.feel like bursting into tears but can’t…don’t want to panic kids or hubby…so it is june 29 again…gonna keep phoning the clinic in case of a cancellation but consultant’s secretary didn’t sound very hopeful when i asked it that would do any good…just going to try to be patient, calm and optimistic…(although am findng that easier said than done)…sorry to go on…gp has not given me any anti-biotics, or even suggested them…so June 29 it is then.patience is a virtue they say so am going to be virtuous for a couple of weeks, :frowning:

oh dear tessamea, i just dont know what to say, you must be all over the place, it is not fair what they are doing to you. Nobody should have to worry like you are doing. There is nothing we can say to make the wait any easier for you. Just keep calling the clinic in the hope of a cancellation. Big (((hugs))) to you.
Luv Pauline x

Sorry to hear that they are messing you around so much…:frowning:

And that your gp has not given you antibiotics…:frowning:


c’est la vie…it just seems to be one thing after another sometimes…am just finding it hard to remain cheerful and ‘normal’…have got so much else going on…not to mention the fact that i’ve got a dislocating jaw at minute(which is why i went to docs in first place, told him about the lump while i was there)…am gonna double my efforts to be cheerful, my daughter’s birthday is coming up and we are hitting the shops for the day,my little one is having first sports day next week.thanks for taking the time to listen to me ramble…it just helps to know that all of you have been exactly in the same position.

Was about to say good news re appt then read on and see they’ve changed it again. Did GP not even mention antibiotics? I can’t get my head round that.

Not wishing to worry you in any way but GP is not an expert in breast care. When you spoke to clinic did you mention changes since referral? Whereabouts are you?
Lots of questions, I apologise.
I think I’d definetly ring and ask to see another doc at the surgery re antiobiotics if you have to wait until 29th for clinic. If it is an infection and can be cleared up you will save yourself an awful lot of worry.
Take Care,
Jackie x

No, he didn’t even mention them…just referred me to the clinic and gave me anti infammatory’s for my jaw…I am in west Midlands(Staffs)…i am going to try and see the other doctor at the surgery and see if she can get me into the clinic any sooner…i think the clinic is just really busy…