Waiting on tenterhooks for apt

I think that is a good idea…

I know the gp said it was only a couple of weeks to the clinic date… but really it was more like 3 weeks… and no infection should be left for 3 weeks without treatment… (if that is what it is…)


have just checked, and the other doctor at my surgery works one day per week and typically, it is a Wednesday so i can’t see her until next week…i think i will go and see nurse tomorrow if i can get in, and just tell her how worried i am…

Can anyone plz tell me how common it is for a woman my age to have all of these symptoms one after the other?should i be worried?don’t want anyone to try and diagnose me, only specialist can do that i know, but i am concerned…is june 29 too long to wait?sorry, but im a little upset about all this…it been a hek of a day…thnx

Hi Tessamae

I will PM you

Hope it comes to nothing


Just wanted to let everyone know.i went to breast clinic today and it was good news… duct ecstasia…i wish all of you ladies the very best of luck with everything…thank you for your time and advice -it really helped when i most needed it…
thanks once again

So glad to hear that it was good news in the end…:smiley:


Cracking news Tess. So happy for you. I’m sure you’ll be having a big celebration with your family. :slight_smile:

Jan xx