Waiting results

Fourteen years ago I had a lump removed from from left breast, it was benign, which was a huge relief. Three years ago I  was recalled, due to scar tissue not quite right, just been recalled again after my last mannagram, Had a ultrasound and biopsy done today, so waiting results now and see surgeon next week. If I have surgery it seems it will be only be day job. Has anyone had the same experience.


Though I am waiting results, my motions are all over the place, thinking every ache or pain is connected. Not really sleeping, or eating,trying to think postive, but at the back of my mind, I am pretty sure it won’t turn out the way I would like it to. Have now inform work of my situation, but asked for privacy (on school hols), I think they will be quite surprised as I am not a person who takes days off, for every cough & cold, ache or pain. Have even spoken to the vicar, from the village of where I was born and bred and he has agreed to have my ashes buried in my late mothers grave, trying to get things done how I would like them done (getting my house in order) Children have told me not to be stupid. I hope you all don’t think I been OTT. giving up before I started.

Hi Charboyles,

Well, there are loads of us here who got an early bc diagnosis thanks to screening, with most of us making a full recovery & back to life as normal, so even if it is bc, please don’t think is a death sentence, it most certainly is not!

Thankfully, the mammogram has done its job in picking up something that needed a closer look & IF it is bc, then you will get the treatment to get it dealt with.

take care

ann x

Waiting is the hardest bit …9 days ago I had a Pappiloma removed with suspected DCIS still waiting for appointment for results.

Its normal to feel the anxiety but its not necessiarily cancer there are many other breast conditions. Hoping things will change positively for you. 

Results in this afternoon ! Well have been diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer, so it seems surgery with radiotherapy about 15 sessions. Now been transferred to a hospital near me  which will be a lot better for myself and family. The surgeon & breast care nurse were brilliant couldn’t fault them, also I know I will get excellent support from my daugs in the next few months a head. Thank god it was my time to have my mannagram this year and not next.

Brilliant wise words Helena and I will take them on board. Few issues at work today which I had to ask my line manager to sort out for me, (work in a school) Because I now have to be safeguard whilst working with children, two team members have been puffing & panting and making snided remarks about me not pulling my weight, not that it upset me too much, but I didn’t want to lose my rag with them. The line manager had a word with the team as a whole and now hoping it has now been nipped in the bud, before it gets out of hand. I think they were just been nosey, because I won’t give them information they want to hear.  It also seems that my daugs are going to share the burden of all the hospital appointments, but they know me too well ‘Stubborn’ and ‘Did it my way’ I suppose a few cross words will change between us over the hurdles and seeing who can get there first, I’m sure it will be Mum, hoping the daugs will be tagging behind.



I think they most probably was feeling sheepish Helena, but then I feel they were going a bit OTT, keep checking up on me, making sure I was still there in a certain area. But hopefully it will now calm down and normal work life can continue. I promise you I won’t be too stubborn etc, but I will make sure the children know when I do need support. I t will most probably be hard for them also, not to see Mum, looking after the grandchildren, doing there ironing during the school holidays, just to name a few jobs that Mum’s do in their busy daily routines. My eldest daug is taking me out on Sunday for a couple of hours to see my grandaughter dancing with her dance group in the local town show.





I’m really sorry Helena that I haven’t been back to you sooner, sometimes things do catch up with you and you need to keep away from the computer, visitors etc, seems a load of excuses. I hope you and your Mum had lots of cuddles, kisses & chats after you had to tell her your news about bc, but sometimes Mum’s are so strong and perhaps mind readers that things are not right, within the family circle. A great big hug to your Mum from me. This is where I wish I could have a cuddle from my Mum and tell me things will be ok. Meeting with my headmaster this morning and he seemed quite supportive, even though I am still  in limbo whilst waiting for a new appointment at the hospital nearer to me.Thought I might have heard by now!

When you started radiotherapy, did you manage to work ?

Also what was your side effects from the radiotherapy treatment?


Love Peggy