Waiting to c bc

Hi just wondering how long u wait to get seen at bc I have large invent in my right breast can feel small lump and can c prompt vein and some swelling in chest wall (feels hard in some bits ) and also under armpit and it feels sore that having to take painkillers seen my go 2weeks ago and I am still waiting phoned them and said sent it week after seen me I am worried and scared and don’t know what to do or think trying not to worry and keep busy but it’s hard thank u for listening xxx

I am sorry to hear that you have not yet been given an appointment. 

I think there is a two week deadline to be seen in the breast unit if your GP has sent an urgent referral. 

It sounds like your GP classed it as non urgent which doesn’t help you when you are dealing with the anxiety!

I would suggest you phone the breast unit you have been referred to. If you don’t have the number just phone the switchboard at the hospital and ask to be put through.


The waiting is the worst, but bear in mind that most people referred do not have cancer, the statistics are very much in your favour :slight_smile:

I would guess as its been a week since your GP sent referal you should hear within a few days, mine was sent as urgent due to my mum having died of BC and was seen within 6 days, i would ring the clinic on Monday, they are very helpful Xx

Thank you for your kind replies I will phone hospital on Monday and c if they can help me I am trying not stress over this but it’s hard not to at times just would like to find out what is going on I can’t even wear a bra anymore as it hurts to much because of swelling I went and bought support bras to try and get comfort once again thank you xxx