Waiting to go for scan

Hi there. Im 31. Mum of two. I found a lump and a smaller lump clustered to the side of my breast. The largest is the size of a skittle sweet and the smaller a small pea. Had it for a few months. I have no excuses why I didn’t go sooner but the GP has referred me to the breast clinic at the local hospital. She suggested they may opt for an ultra sound rather than an ultra sound because of my age. I’m very slim size 6, 32C. The lump can be felt fairly easily and I can roll my fingers over it. My nipple has also changed in the last 3 months or so. It kinda looks a bit sad now (sorry toying with humour) it kinda creases and the bottom and points lower than before. :-/
I’m already in “that place” certain I’m gonna be poorly.
Can anyone give me advice on the scan appointment? Will they do a needle thing if they are concerned and would this happen the same day? Also how soon would they be able to diagnose?
Thank you in advance x

Hi LauraJayne and welcome to the BCC forums
I am sure your fellow users will be along soon with help and support for you, you may also find the following link to the BCC ‘Worried’ pages useful, here you will find lots of information and a publication ‘Your breast clinic appointment’ which describes what you may experience:


Take care
Lucy BCC

Thank you Lulu 34 for your speedy reply. Really appreciate your advice. I have been told my appointment will be within 2 weeks. I’m not sure how I feel about the whole thing it’s all a bit surreal. In my composed, sensible head, I’m sure I’m fine. But can’t help freaking out.

I had a look at your Bio. You have been through a lot! I should be grateful.
I hope you are feeling as well as can be expected Lulu?

Hi Laura Jayne, our local hosp does a one stop shop so they will tell you on the day. I saw the consultant first, then had a mammogram, then an ultra sound, where they did a fine needle biopsy, using the ultra sound for guidance. Then saw the consultant again and was told what I had , on the day. The breast care nurse will help with understanding what it is all about. All took about 3 or 4 hrs. Hope you get on ok x

Thank you. Just did a google on the hospital I’m visiting and they have “one stop shop” so at least that’s something . Thank you ladies, I haven’t spoken to anyone about this so this is really helping. X

Got my appointment on Thursday 26th. A week to wait :-/

Hi Laura Jayne


Sorry you find yourself on here.  I went to my GP on 2nd Sept and was lucky enough to get a hosp app for the 4th, had a choice of 4 hospitals up here in Newcastle which may have helped.  On the 4th I was examined, had a mamo on both sides, then had an ultra sound.  After that I was told straight away it wasnt good news.  They brought me back that afternoon for biopsies and I got the results from that a week later on the 11th.  Ive since had to have a CT scan, MRI, heart scan and Bone scan, all routine when you find yourself in this situation.  The results of the bone and CT scans came back the next days so although it felt like an eternity it was really quick.  I hope the next week goes quickly for you and that you get good news.  Keep smiling x

Thanks Lulu34. Will report back this evening x

Sorry for the absence. I’m all ok! The lumps are swollen and not happy looking lymph nodes. But they are fine. I need to go back to the clinic again and keep an eye in them but…I’m ok.
Thank you for all your chats and support ladies x