Waiting to hear

Thinking of you, remember you’re not alone!

Hi everyone. I’m new here too. I had my mammo and biopsy yesterday and have had an initial cancer diagnosis. I was in a bit of a state of shock to begin with but feel better now after talking to a friend who has had lumpectomy and radiotherapy and after reading through all the help and advice on this site.
I go back next wednesday for my results and the plan of action. I have only told a few close friends so far and my son who is 15 although I’ve only told him the basics. I feel its too soon to tell my other close family because I know they will worry about me and I would rather have all the facts in place first.
Its good to know there are so many lovely people on here who I can talk to and get advice from if I need it. Good luck to everyone. x

Hi buzzy and welcome to the BCC forums

please feel free to access the link I have posted above to Wills which is for the new resource pack, I am also posting a link to our ‘Talking to your children about breast cancer’ which you may also find useful:


Our helpline is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 if you feel you want to talk things through with someone in confidence on 0808 800 6000.

Take care

Hi buzzy, sorry to hear of your dx, it’s such early days for you. Be kind to yourself as you have had a massive shock. When you havenyour results and more idea of your treatment plan, you will probably find things will feel a bit better. Whatever happens, we are all here for you. Take care
