
From NZ we have regular breast screening from age 45, I’m 47 and a month or so ago the medical centre rang and asked if I wanted to go on the register, sure so I made an appointment.
Oh my lord. Had the mammogram didn’t hear anything until the phone rang and it was a call back, reassurance from a lot of people that this is common and not to worry.
Arrived to see xray on monitor with a circle around a lump, still thought it was a cyst. Until the ultrasound. No not a cyst, not 100% sure what it is need to have biopsy, luckily they do it there and then, so core biopsy done.
Results next Wednesday at 2pm.
They did a core biopsy, why a core and not a fine needle? Is it because a fine needle is for aspirating and there needs to be fluid and this was a solid mass so a tissue sample was needed instead? Or is it that it is likely to be something more significant.
What questions should I ask at the follow up if it is, is there a list I can take with me as i am sure I am not going to be of peaceful mind.
Thanks in advance.

Hi LMCL1965

Firstly welcome to the forums. I’m sorry to read that you are having a pretty worrting time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk through how you are feeling with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi LMCL1965,

I am also from NZ (Auckland).

I am pretty sure I had a core biopsy as well (if even they do write fine needle aspirate on the request form). This gives them more tissue to examine and therefore a more accurate diagnosis. My results were sent to my GP three days after the biospy. Because of this, they only had preliminary results. He could only tell me if it was cancer or not. In my case, it was. It took a few more days before the rest of the results were available. This gave me what type of cancer, the hormone status (not HER status) and a ‘score’ which indicates how agressive the cancer may or may not be. I got the rest of the results from my breast specialist (went private), so he was able to explain them all to me in detail and what things mean.

Don’t worry too much about questions at this stage. Do take someone with you to your appointment.

I know you know most lumps are benign, but this doesn’t stop you worrying. Try not to dwell on it too much and keep yourself busy.

Good luck with your results and I have my fingers crossed for you.

Hi am new to the forum but am hoping to gain some of the great support you all offer to each other.
I was recalled amd have had an ultrasound which found nothing and appeared normal . However due to a change showing from previous mammogram I was given a core biopsy, result said benign but radiologist wanted me to have vacuum Biopsy because she wants to check mucous / atypical cells. .?
am feeling a bit confused by it all and scared and anxious though trying to remain positive . My sister is 6 years in remission following mastectomy. .its the chemo that am more afraid off
i am back next weds for the results . I really don’t know what to expect? Has anyone been in this situation.? Xx
thanks if anyone able to respond x